*john smith*


*the faithfully departed*


*~ ‘january 1580’ – ’21 june 1631’~*

(died @ ‘age 51’)


“captain john smith”

(‘admiral’ of ‘new england’)
(‘soldier’ / ‘explorer’ / ‘author’)

(he was knighted for his services to ‘sigismund bathory’ (‘prince’ of ‘transylvania’) and his friend ‘mózes székely’)

(he was considered to have played an important part in the establishment of ‘jamestown’, the first permanent english settlement in ”north america’)

(he was a leader of the ‘virginia colony’ (based at ‘jamestown’) between ‘september 1608’ and ‘august 1609’, and led an exploration along the ‘rivers’ of ‘virginia’ and the ‘chesapeake bay’)

(he was the first english explorer to map the ‘chesapeake bay’ area and ‘new england’)

(his ‘books’ and ‘maps’ were important in encouraging and supporting ‘english colonization’ of the ‘new world’)

(he gave the name ‘new england’ to the region and noted: “here every man may be ‘master’ and ‘owner’ of his own ‘labour’ and ‘land’… if he have nothing but his hands, he may…by ‘industries’ quickly grow rich”)

(when ‘jamestown’ was england’s first permanent settlement in the ‘new world’, ‘smith’ trained the settlers to ‘farm’ and ‘work’, thus saving the colony from early ‘devastation’)

(he publicly stated “he that will not ‘work’, shall not ‘eat'”)

(this ‘strength of character’ and ‘determination’ overcame problems presented from

the hostile ‘indians’,

the ‘wilderness’

and the ‘troublesome’ and ‘uncooperative’ settlers)

(‘harsh weather’, ‘lack of water’, living in a ‘swampy wilderness’, and attacks from the ‘powhatan indians’ almost destroyed the ‘colony’)


(the ‘jamestown settlement’ survived and so did ‘smith’, but he had to return to ‘england’ after being injured by an ‘accidental explosion’ of ‘gunpowder’ in a ‘boat’)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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