

“TYPES” –>







(“livestock” are ‘domesticated animals’ raised in an ‘agricultural setting’ to produce ‘commodities’ such as ‘food’, ‘fiber’, and ‘labor’)

(the term is often used to refer solely to those raised for ‘food’, and sometimes only ‘farmed ruminants’ (such as ‘cattle’ and ‘goats’))

(in recent years, some ‘organizations’ have also raised ‘livestock’ to promote the survival of ‘rare breeds’)

(so you’d better have a damn compelling case to jusify the devotion of (limited) resources to saving certain ‘species’)

(especialy if it means these measures will decrease ‘quality of life’ for a subset of our fellow humans)

(and i don’t wanna hear that fucking smug response about ‘we can’t kill flies because they are ESSENTIAL components of our ‘ecosystem’)


(99% of species that ever existed on ‘earth’ are now ‘extinct’)

(almost as annoying as the smug response to ‘why did (*insert species*) evolve to ___?)

(“evolution” doesn’t HAVE a ‘purpose’)
(are u sure about that?)

(the ‘breeding’, ‘maintenance’, and ‘slaughter’ of these ‘animals’ (known as ‘animal husbandry’) is a component of ‘modern agriculture’ that has been practiced in many ‘cultures’ since humanity’s transition to ‘farming’ from ‘hunter-gatherer’ lifestyles)

(‘animal husbandry’ practices have varied widely across ‘cultures’ and ‘time periods’)

(originally, ‘livestock’ were not confined by ‘fences’ or ‘enclosures’, but these practices have largely shifted to ‘intensive animal farming’, sometimes referred to as ‘factory farming’)

(these practices increase ‘yield’ of the various ‘commercial outputs’, but have led to increased concerns about ‘animal welfare’ and ‘environmental impact’).

(‘livestock production’ continues to play a major ‘economic’ and ‘cultural’ role in numerous ‘rural communities’)






👈👈👈☜*back to “AGRICULTURE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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