"rashidun caliphate"


ٱلْخِلَافَة ٱلْأُمَوِيَّة

“rashidun” –> “rightly guided”


(632 – 661)

*~ 29 YEARS*


(average caliph reign of ~7.25 years)


(calif #1)

(632 – 634)


(calif #2)

(634 – 644)


(calif #3)

(644 – 656)


(calif #4)
(656 – 661)


*26 JULY 657*

“first fitna”

(in the “battle of siffin”, troops led by “Ali ibn Abu Talib” clash with those led by “Muawiyah I”)


(Arabic: اَلْخِلَافَةُ ٱلرَّاشِدَةُ‎‎ al-Khilāfaṫur-Rāshidah)


*the rashidun caliphate is an exonym used in ‘sunni islam’ to refer to the 30-year rule of the Rashidun or “Rightly Guided” caliphs (Arabic: اَلْخُلَفَاءُ ٱلرَّاشِدُونَ‎‎ al-Khulafā’ur-Rāshidūn), the first 4 successive caliphs (successors) of the ‘prophet muhammad’ after his death in 632 CE (11 AH in the “islamic calendar”)*


(at its height, the ‘caliphate’ controlled an empire from the ‘arabian peninsula’ and the ‘levant’, to the ‘transcaucasus’ in the north; ‘north africa’ from ‘egypt’ to present-day ‘tunisia’ in the west; and the ‘iranian plateau’ to parts of ‘central asia’ and ‘south asia’ in the east)

(the 4 rashidun caliphs were chosen through shura (Arabic: شُـوْرَى‎‎), a process of ‘community consultation’ that some consider to be an early form of ‘islamic democracy’)

(the caliphate arose out of the death of ‘muhammad’ in ‘632 CE’ and the subsequent debate over the succession to his leadership)

(‘abu bakr’, a close companion of ‘muhammad’ from the ‘banu taym’ clan, was elected the first rashidun leader and began the conquest of the ‘arabian peninsula’)

(he ruled from ‘632’ to his death in ‘634’)

(‘abu bakr’ was succeeded by ‘umar’, his appointed successor from the ‘banu adi’ clan, who began the conquest of ‘persia’ from ‘642’ to ‘651’, leading to the defeat of the ‘sassanid empire’)

(in ‘644’, ‘umar’ was assassinated by ‘persians’ in response to the conquest and was succeeded by ‘uthman’, from the ‘banu umayya’ clan, who was elected by a 6-person committee arranged by ‘umar’)

(under ‘uthman’, the empire’s conquest of ‘armenia’ began by the ‘640s’, and the empire expanded into ‘fars’ (present-day ‘southwestern iran’) in ‘650’ and some areas of ‘khorasan’ (present-day ‘northwestern afghanistan’) in ‘651’)

(In ‘656’, ‘uthman’ was assassinated by ‘egyptian rebels’)

(‘ali’, although initially reluctant due to his most vigorous support coming from various rebel groups, accepted appointment as the next caliph)

(a member of ‘banu hashim’ (the same clan as ‘muhammad’), he presided over a ‘civil war’ known as the ‘first fitna’ (‘656’ – ‘661’))

(the war was primarily between those who believed ‘uthman’ was unlawfully killed, supporting his cousin and governor of the levant ‘muawiyah’, and those who believed his killing was deserved, supporting the caliph ‘ali’)

(the ‘civil war’ permanently consolidated the divide between ‘sunni’ and ‘shia’ muslims, with ‘shia muslims’ believing ‘ali’ to be the first rightful ‘caliph’ and ‘imam’ after ‘muhammad’, favoring his bloodline connection to ‘muhammad’)

(additionally, a third faction in the war believed both ‘ali’ and ‘muawiyah’ should be deposed and a new caliph elected by shura, this faction supporting the governor of egypt ‘amr ibn al-as’)


(the war lead to the end of the ‘rashidun caliphate’ and the establishment of the ‘umayyad caliphate’, under former governor of the ‘levant’ “Muawiyah I”)









👈👈👈☜*“CALIFATES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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