


‘scottish gaelic’ –>





(‘cultural icon’ of ‘scotland’)


(“tartan” ( ) is a ‘pattern’ consisting of criss-crossed ‘horizontal’ and ‘vertical’ bands in multiple ‘colors’)

(‘tartans’ originated in ‘woven wool’, but now they are made in many other materials)

(‘tartan’ is particularly associated with ‘scotland’)

(‘scottish kilts’ almost always have ‘tartan’ patterns)

(‘tartan’ is often called plaid in ‘north america’, but in ‘scotland’, a ‘plaid’ is a ‘tartan cloth’ slung over the ‘shoulder’ as a ‘kilt’ accessory, or a plain ordinary ‘blanket’ such as one would have on a ‘bed’)

(‘tartan’ is made with alternating bands of colored (‘pre-dyed’) threads woven as both ‘warp’ and ‘weft’ at ‘right angles’ to each other)

(the ‘weft’ is woven in a simple ’twill’ (“2 over—2 under”) the’ warp’, advancing 1 thread at each ‘pass’)

(this forms visible diagonal lines where different colors cross, which give the appearance of new colors blended from the original ones)

(the resulting blocks of color repeat ‘vertically’ and ‘horizontally’ in a distinctive ‘pattern’ of ‘squares’ and ‘lines’ known as a ‘sett’)

(the “dress act of 1746” attempted to bring the ‘warrior clans’ under ‘government control’ by banning the ‘tartan’ and other aspects of ‘gaelic’ culture)

(when the law was repealed in ‘1782’, it was no longer ordinary ‘highland’ dress, but was adopted instead as the symbolic national dress of ‘scotland’)

(until the middle of the ’19th century’, the ‘highland tartans’ were only associated with either ‘regions’ or ‘districts’, rather than any specific ‘scottish’ clan)

(this was because like other materials, ‘tartan designs’ were produced by ‘local weavers’ for ‘local tastes’ and would usually only use the ‘natural dyes’ available in that area, as ‘chemical dye production’ was non-existent and ‘transportation’ of other ‘dye materials’ across ‘long distances’ was ‘prohibitively expensive’)

(the ‘patterns’ were simply different regional ‘checked-cloth patterns’, chosen by the wearer’s preference—in the same way as people nowadays choose what ‘colors’ and ‘patterns’ they like in their ‘clothing’, without particular reference to ‘propriety’)

(it was not until the mid-19th century that many ‘patterns’ were created and artificially associated with scottish ‘clans’, ‘families’, or ‘institutions’ who were (or wished to be seen as) associated in some way with a ‘scottish heritage’)

(the victorians’ penchant for ‘ordered taxonomy’ and the new ‘chemical dyes’ then available meant that the idea of specific patterns of bright colors, or “dress” tartans, could be created and applied to a ‘faux-nostalgic view’ of ‘scottish history’)

(today ‘tartan’ is no longer limited to ‘textiles’, but is used on ‘non-woven mediums’, such as ‘paper’, ‘plastics’, ‘packaging’, and ‘wall coverings’)






👈👈👈☜*“PATTERNS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥