Longjing tea steeping in gaiwan.jpg
(pre-qingming 2017 longjing green tea, being steeped in a pale green gaiwan)


-as of [25 JULY 2024]





(“chai” is a drink)

(“cha” is mandarin for “tea”)


-[tea] is an [aromatic beverage] commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured leaves of the camellia sinensis, an evergreen shrub native to [asia]-


(after water, it is the most widely consumed drink in the world)

(there are many different types of tea; some teas, like “darjeeling” and “chinese greens”, have a cooling, slightly bitter, and astringent flavour, while others have vastly different profiles that include sweet, nutty, floral or grassy notes)

(tea originated in “southwest china”, where it was used as a medicinal drink)

(it was popularized as a recreational drink during the chinese “tang” dynasty, and tea drinking spread to other “east asian” countries)

(portuguese priests and merchants introduced it to europe during the 16th century)

(during the 17th century, drinking tea became fashionable among “britons”, who started large-scale production and commercialization of the plant in india to bypass the “chinese monopoly”)

(the phrase “herbal tea” usually refers to infusions of fruit or herbs made without the tea plant, such as steeps of “rosehip”, “chamomile”, or “rooibos”)

(these are also known as tisanes or herbal infusions to distinguish them from “tea” as it is commonly understood)

“camellia sinensis plant”


green tea

(with stove + teapot)

i used to be an obsessive drinker of “green tea”
(made with “minimal oxidation”)

now i’m back to drinking green tea…
(making it in the microwave since i don’t have a stove in my apartment)

before this, i just used green tea to treat the stye on my right eye…
(to no avail)

i tried smoking green tea leaves in a joint (out of sheer desperation) in december 2013…

(it didn’t work)

now i need a green tea!








👈👈👈☜*“FLUIDS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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