*'basic requirements' for entry into 'canada' / 'USA'*

(the ‘driver’ must have a valid ‘driver’s license’)

(you must also have your ‘vehicle registration’)

(‘border officials’ are always on the lookout for ‘stolen vehicles’ or people trying to avoid ‘duties’ on ‘vehicles’ purchased out of ‘country’)

(having your ‘proof of insurance’ showing ‘coverage’ is recommended)

(‘alarm bells’ will go off anytime you try to cross the ‘border’ in a ‘car’ that is not yours)

(this is especially true if you fly across the ‘border’, and then try to come back in someone else’s ‘personal vehicle’)

(see our page on “crossing the border in a borrowed vehicle” for instructions and a sample ‘permission letter’ you should bring)

“rental cars”:

(generally speaking, an ‘american citizen’ can cross the ‘border’ in a ‘rental car’ without much problem)

(t is a bit more complicated for ‘canadian citizens’)

(we have a separate page with much more detail on taking a ‘rental car’ across the ‘border’)

(as a general rule, neither ‘country’ will prevent one of its own ‘citizens’ from re-entering the ‘country’ and return home even if you lack the ‘preferred documentation’)

(of course, you may be subjected to a ‘secondary screening’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥