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June 5, 2013 jogabot 4

. -as of [30 JANUARY 2024]– . *QUICK FIXES* . “APPETIZERS” . “SOUP” . “SALAD” . *ENTRÉES* . *CONDIMENTS* . . *CUSTOMARY MEAL TIMES**by country* […]

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June 5, 2013 jogabot 1

. “ASIAN RICE” “AFRICAN RICE” . *RICE JOURNALS* . *’rice’ is the ‘seed’ of the (monocot?) grass species oryza sativa (‘asian rice’) or oryza glaberrima (‘african rice’)* . (as a ‘cereal grain’, it is […]

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June 5, 2013 jogabot 2

-ASPARAGUS- -SPINACH- -CORN–(aka ‘maize’) –ARTICHOKE“ -CUCUMBER- “TOMATO“ “PEA“ “CARROTS” “POTATO“ “OKRA” . *VEGETABLE JOURNALS* . “an edible part of a plant” . (in everyday usage, vegetables are […]

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June 5, 2013 jogabot 3


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June 5, 2013 jogabot 1

. *COOKING METHODS* *PICS* *EGG JOURNALS* *MY CONCLUSIONS* . *the ‘organic vessel’ containing the ‘zygote’ in which an animal ’embryo’ develops until it can survive […]

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June 5, 2013 jogabot 1

. -as of [29 SEPTEMBER 2024]- . *TYPES* —> -OILS-(‘fat’ that is ‘liquid’ at ‘room temperature’) . *aka ‘lipids’*(‘soluble’ in ‘organic solvents’) (‘insoluble’ in ‘water’) […]

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June 5, 2013 jogabot 2

. “ah MEEN” NH2 . ___*TYPES*___ *AMINO ACIDS* . *TRYPTAMINE* *PHENETHYLAMINE* .  (US: /əˈmiːn/ or /ˈæmin/, UK: /əˈmiːn/, /ˈæmɪn/ or /ˈeɪmin/)  . *in ‘organic chemistry’, amines are [‘compounds’ / ‘functional groups’] that contain a basic nitrogen atom with a lone pair* . (amines […]

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June 5, 2013 jogabot 3

. -as of [25 JULY 2024]– . “GREEN TEA” “ICED TEA” . (“chai” is a drink) (“cha” is mandarin for “tea”) . -[tea] is an […]

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June 5, 2013 jogabot 1

“MASTICATION JOURNALS” . (aka “chewing”) (the process by which ‘food’ is ‘crushed’ and ‘ground’ by ‘teeth’) . . *👨‍🔬🕵️‍♀️🙇‍♀️*SKETCHES*🙇‍♂️👩‍🔬🕵️‍♂️* . 📚📖|/\-*WIKI-LINK*-/\|📖📚 . . 👈👈👈☜*“FOOD JOURNALS”* […]