. *as of ‘4 OCTOBER 2023’* . *PROJECTOR JOURNALS* . *AKA* –> “IMAGE PROJECTOR” . (a projector is an ‘optical device’ that projects an ‘image’ (or […]
. *as of ‘4 OCTOBER 2023’* . *PROJECTOR JOURNALS* . *AKA* –> “IMAGE PROJECTOR” . (a projector is an ‘optical device’ that projects an ‘image’ (or […]
*tuesday* . (i’m living in ‘mounts motel’…) (i don’t have anyone to fool) (save myself) . . 👈👈👈 ☜ *“APRIL FOOL DAY 2013”* . *“APRIL […]
“VILLANOVA” . “WATCHUNG HILLS” . (“any friend of emily is an enemy of mine”) (or rather “any friend of emily considers me an enemy”) (any […]
. -as of [2 AUGUST 2024]– . -a waste container is a ‘container’ for temporarily storing [waste]- *usually made out of ‘metal’ or ‘plastic’* . __*AKA*__ […]
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*friday* . told my ex-girlfriend emma wolin that i was transgendered…she didn’t respond… but i later found out that she believed me… (when she referred […]
*monday* . spent easter sunday alone… (the only one who called me was my brother… (and we played phone tag all day until i finally […]
INTRO: kiss me every single day… kiss me every single way… like a kitty in a candy store… kiss me like the day before… coulda […]
*RELATIVES* *ALLIES* *NON-BELIEVERS* *FAMOUS MARGARETS* *FICTIONAL MARGARETS* *SONGS FOR MARGARET* ***GOLD STANDARD*** (*see nickname ‘greta’*) (and ‘maggie’) (“margaret” is a female first name, originally derived […]
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