“14 july 2015”


(arv got arrested last night)

$225 outstanding warrant from christmas eve 2008 (issued in 2009)…for “trespassing” (at his family’s home)…but wasn’t he living there at the time?…annie mo got arrested for assault…she was also arrested for slapping matt…another $100 for possession of cannabis (less than 50 grams)…he’s got a court date next tuesday at 8:30am…hopefully it is cleared up then…i feel guilty because i invited him out to a jam session (that we ended up getting there too late for)…but i had nothing else to do and i wanted to smoke some dope and meet people…used up one of my round trip tickets on him…

went to 2001 lawrence road (across from burning tree to bail him out)…aaron and annie mo got him out of there…now she’s going to find out about the marijuana charge…now they are going to cause problems for me + princeton human services…”still at the motel?”…same young cops that responded to the false theft charge against me…

now i’m all out of money…and i’m still missing a B string…i have to return to NYC tonight for the jalopy open mic…gotta catch an earlier train…cheryl can come thursday morning to pick up computer + get my electric guitar set up…

(by then i should be back on my feet)