“16 july 2016”


(i slept late @ princeton train station)
(after collecting $3 in busking money)

(went to varsity liquors)
(the manager had put up a sign “back @ 10:15am”)
(it was already 11am)
(they were supposed to open at 10am)
(the old indian came back from smoking a cigarette across the street)

(bought a pint of barton’s vodka)
(put it in the thermos that william warren gave me)
(still had the coffee grounds in it)
(i poured most of them out)
(and mixed the vodka pint with a monster energy drink)

(smoking marlboro reds)

(after i finished the pint i wanted to keep drinking)

(so i bought a 6-pack of PBR from public)

(manny saw me with the can at the computer)

(banned from the library for 6 months)


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