22 (reviews)

(originally released on 2009 album “dinosaurs”)

submitted to TAXI
(summer 2007)

(they gave a mostly positive review of the song)
(but didn’t forward it)

(they said the vocals were emotionally resonant)
(but there were some ‘pitchy’ moments)

i tried re-recording the vocals in fall 2007
(i sent a re-worked demo to bergblum)
(he responded with ‘production notes’)
(which pissed me off)
(he ultimately said that it was ‘bad singing’)
(and started dissing me for my lack of live performances)
(and claimed that he was a better musician / artist than me)
(which led to our ‘breakup’ until summer 2008)

(funnily enough bergblum was one of the biggest supporters of the original track)
(and complimented the ‘mature’ sounding vocals)
(and said the backing vocals sounded like brian wilson’s “smile” band from the 90s)

(bandcamp page:)
(‘ministry of illusion’ album)

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