“23 july 2016”


(‘jon the batshit’ took up skateboarding)
(he said i could crash at his condo that night)
(though it was actually more comfortable in the train station)
(because he has no air conditioning there)

(we went to music + arts and i bought a pack of martin strings for $7)
(because jon broke my g string in front of starbucks the night before)

(then i carelessly tried replacing a G string with a heavier gauge D string)
(i could feel something wasn’t right)
(and finally it snapped)
(tried putting a lighter gauge B string in its place)
(but then the guitar wouldn’t stay in tune)

(later that day i broke the D string in front of starbucks)

(and i finally replaced the G string with the proper gauge)

(jon was desperate to take advantage of cheryl’s credit card)
(it annoyed me)

(so we sat in panera before noon)
(i charged my phone)
(told him we could leave when i hit 30%)

(i carelessly decided to walk across campus to get the wawa)
(because technically i could be charged with trespassing at the princeton train station as it is located on campus)

(a hispanic dyke campus security guard drove past us)
(and put the car in reverse)

(she called me by name “joe”)
(this really made my blood boil)
(this was the same one who declared that she’d arrest me if i stayed on campus)
(in april 2015)
(when i wasn’t doing anything wrong at all)

(she ordered me to put my bags down)
(“or else 5 officers will tackle you”)

(i took off running anyway)
(wonder if she’ll be able to file another charge against me)

(then ‘jon the batshit’ and i drove outta town)


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