*26 july 2016*


(slept in the princeton train station)
(but i stayed up for most of the night)

(fueled by DPH and libido)

(the station doors open ’round 4:20am)
(i’d rather sleep on the outside bench than converse with ‘special ed’)
(he’s out of there before 5am anyway)

(bought more DPH @ wawa)
(4 packs)
(there are another four packs there waiting for me)
(unless somebody else snatches them up)

(my wawa card isn’t doing the automatic $25 daily refill)

(i used the rest of the money on the card to buy a breakfast egg white sandwich on a 10-inch roll)
(it was about $5)
(i ate out of sheer boredom)
(the sausage won’t do me any favors)

(then i waited for cheryl to come by)
(i walked to panera bread before noon)
(she came before 1pm)
(we ate lunch @ mamouns)
(although i wasn’t hungry)
(i was just eager to drop the 600mg of DPH and work in the library for 6 hours)
(she dropped me off at the library before 2pm)
(got clean clothes / peanut butter granola bars  / toiletries / gum)
(and 2 monsters)

(didn’t have a very productive day at the library)

(tempted to take an uber back to princeton)
(and not waste money i don’t have on bus ride)
(should i busk again tonight?)
(when will the wawa card fill up again?)
(when do i hit NYC again?)


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