“29 july 2015”


(‘arv’ finished setting up drumset and left the room sometime before 1am)

the black n mild didnt do much for me…he brought me turkey / potatoes / whole wheat bread…i tried my best to get to sleep…i was restless after all the days of robotripping…slept on and off until sometime before noon…cheryl told me i’d already used up all of the data for this month (and it doesn’t reset until august 20th!)…which means i can’t use the internet on the iphone unless i have a wifi connection…no more lying in bed and listening to youtube videos…

forced myself to take a shower and clean up my act this morning…in dire need of a haircut…homefries continues to call me all day…i can’t hit certain spots on the iphone to listen back to voicemails…after more napping i finally left the room and walked into the heat of the day…to the mercer county library…88 cents left on my last CVS card…then i caught the 3:10pm 606 bus into princeton…started posting my first instagram pics…this will give me a purpose to move forward…already starting to get likes…can post videos of up to 15 seconds…

picked up food @ crisis ministry…they also gave me a bag (because princeton doesn’t want its citizens using plastic bags) / thermos / t-shirt…they seemed to be running low on food…but this stash will get me to next week…arv is babysitting his sisters until 8pm…now i’m at the princeton public library…

(until i get the incentive to head back to the room and get back to work (or go back to sleep))