bleecker + macdougal

(by Chloe)
(184 bleecker street)
(“vegan pit stop”)

(bleecker Street is a west–east street in the New York City borough of Manhattan)

It is most famous today as a Greenwich Village nightclub district. The street connects a neighborhood today popular for music venues and comedy, but which was once a major center for American bohemia. The street is named after Anthony Bleecker, a 19th-century writer whose family farm the street ran through.[1]

(bleecker Street connects Abingdon Square (the intersection of Eighth Avenue and Hudson Street in the West Village) to the Bowery and East Village)

(macdougal Street is a one-way street in the Greenwich Village and SoHo neighborhoods of Manhattan, New York City)

The street is bounded on the south by Prince Street and on the north by West 8th Street; its numbering begins in the south. Between Waverly Place and West 3rd Street it carries the nameWashington Square West and the numbering scheme changes, running north to south, beginning with #29 Washington Square West at Waverly Place and ending at #37 at West 3rd Street.[1] Traffic on the street runs southbound (downtown).

Macdougal Street is named for Alexander McDougall, a merchant and Revolutionary War military leader. Macdougall is also the namesake of Macdougal Alley, a private cul-de-sac owned jointly by the residents of Washington Square North to its south and West 8th Street to its north, for whom it was created in 1833 for their stables. The Alley runs east off Macdougal Street in the block between West 8th Street and Waverly Place/Washington Square North.

Macdougal Street has been called “the most colorful and magnetic venue for tourists on an evening outing in the Village.”

(it has been the subject of many songs, poems, and other forms of artistic expression, and has been frequented by numerous famous individuals)

10 JULY 2016:

(busked here on a saturday night)
(made the requisite $20 for return trip to NJ)


(went here with kincer)
(some homeless girl was playing crappy songs)
(and asking for weed)
(she had a few dogs with her)
(her name was “squirrel”)
(and she was stranded in NYC)

(then william warren appeared and started rambling about fred neil’s song “bleecker + macdougal”)

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