






5% ABV


(st louis, missouri)

(“king of beers”)

(budweiser frogs)

(budweiser horses)

(less than $12 for a 12-pack)

(which i’ve taken to consuming on a daily basis)



15 december 2014:

spent $8 on two budweisers @ A+B


now my favorite beer is “budweiser”…

in aluminum can form…

“all-american”…i drink beer because it goes down “easier” than hard liquor (even though it seems to disrupt the digestive system more than vodka)…and it also has more empty calories…

a 12-pack of budweiser costs just over $13…not the most cost-efficient way to drink…i should start buying 24-packs…


i went through three 12-packs of budweiser in 2 days…18 beers a day will surely kill me…

20 june 2014:

i spent the last of my money on a 12-pack of budweiser on a thursday night…thought it would spur me out of my creative slumber…it didn’t do much…by the next afternoon the 12-pack was all gone…i mostly worked on complicated chord charts…and i felt empty the next day…the magic seems to be gone…now i can’t even afford a train into NYC…

another binge beginning on monday…finished the 12-pack of budweiser…then i bought another 12-pack…along with my benson + hedges cigarettes…

12 august 2014:

i peaked on sunday @ 20 budweisers throughout the course of the day…i couldn’t face anything harder…and the tolerance to beer was quickly building…

18 august 2014:

i started drinking again on friday morning with the $75 birthday gift from the crowleys…the usual 12 packs of budweiser…i went through 3-4 of them in 3 days…at first i had a great productive buzz…then i started getting chatty…i ended up sabotaging relationships with a nasty phone call to aunt tammy…at first i was just checking in and asking her why she missed the birthday dinner…then she got cranky and said she didn’t want to talk…so i left her a nasty voicemail about living with her parents..she just pointed out that i was a 30-year-old harvard graduate on welfare…both cheryl and the old man called me and told me not to contact that side of the family…cheryl knew i had been drinking…

on sunday the beer (and newports) were catching up to me…i slept for a good portion of the day…then monday morning the withdrawals started kicking in…and i’m out of money (again)…i’ll have to fight them this week…

i ended up buying a 12-pack of budweiser…finished it by the end of the night…it got me mildly buzzed…

restacked on a 12-pack of budweiser…this time the older indian gave me two 6-packs instead of the usual box…

i was up by 10am…got myself a 12-pack of budweiser and pack of newports…and 2 monsters…

started downing them and chain smoking…finished the electric guitar parts for “great white”…i even played my first guitar solo in weeks…and tried my best to overdub stacked harmonies, lead vocal harmonies, and counterpoint backing vocals…i kept “chasing the dragon” in terms of beer and cigarettes…i should’ve just stuck to working when i felt good…instead i found that my computer kept falling asleep…did i keep it in screensaver mode instead of sleep mode over the birthday trip?…i changed the outlets and straightened up the room but i couldn’t get it to stop falling asleep…

another 3-day drinking binge

went through newports and budweiser 12-packs

before moving onto black n milds

i didn’t get much mixing done after friday…

it was a long process…

i felt good just drinking beers and listening to my music…

and chatting up people on facebook…

until everyone got sick of me…

then i called aunt tammy and told her off for not calling me on my birthday…

she of course reported me to the parents…

(who both called me)






👈👈👈☜*“AMERICAN LAGER”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. beer | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. 24 july 2016 | *JoGa Jungle*

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