-finest hour-*discmakers*


-as of [26 MAY 2024]


*SUMMER 2006*

(i completed my “50+ songs recording project from june 2005 – june 2006)

(which song did i spend the longest on?)

(in sporadic moments or constant “nose to grindstone”)

(‘jeffrey taylor’ recommended the services of “discmakers” (as “pretty reliable”) during an AIM chat (he as “dumpsterhunter”))

(at that point i had staying at the chadwick house by myself for several months)

(i quit my ‘guitar center’ job) in ‘march 2006’)

(i had been working as a guitar salesman in springfield NJ)

(and i took full advantage of “employee discount” in which i could buy most any item at “dead cost”)

(as in “the cost that doesn’t net a profit nor loss in said amount”)

((told’em i needed some “aloone time” to focus more attetntion on cmpleting my (self-imposed) deadline)

*“finest hour” release*

(i borrowed $3K from my old man in summer 2006)

(i presented him with a business plain)

(but i never repaid ANY of the loan back)

(i still NEEDED money from him)

(the tracks arrived sometime around my 22nd birthday)

(5 august 2006)

(first thing my parents said was “don’t like the cover”)

(they thought it was “too silly”)

(because i was dressed up like purple rain-era ‘prince’ @ hampshire halloween 2005)

(with bergblum)

(i had also taken a strong edible does in ‘june 2005’)

(i was 20 years old)

(and had hardly ever smoked any marijuana in my life at that point)

(thought it’d mess up my burgeoning singing voice)

anna held



(produced the “finest hour” CDs)

(became a member of “TAXI A&R” (via ‘discmakers’ + “CDbaby”))

(an organization that makes you believe that they can match you with a “request for songs for $$$” that fit a certain customer’s needs)

(you were given a list of “song requests from TV studions / modeling agencies / etc)

(were they legit?)

(i suspect that NO ONE got forwarded)

(i get a “courtesy” TAXI review from an alleged “songwriting expert”)

(i submit “katerina”)

(the review was very positive)

(but they feebly tried to prevent it from sounding overly “gushy”)

(so they included a generic criticism of “some pitchy moments, but otherwise…”)

(in need of some “professional” validation in the face if seeming apathy, i ended up getting roped in and paying $300+ for yearly subscription to TAXI)

(once i started working @ “BGC partners” in march 2007)

(the direct deposits were roughly $3000/month)

(“just enough” it seemed)

(all 50+ tracks submitted to TAXI are subsequently rejected)

(some reviews were blase and some were BAFFLINGLY BRUTAL!)

(“hostbaby” constructs www.gattivision.com) for me)

(as part of the “package deal with “discmakers”)

(i became a discmakers “studio partner”)

(even though i was actually recording myself in my parents’ watchung basement)










👈👈👈☜*[DISC-MAKER DIARIES]* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥