-as of [8 JANUARY 2025]–
.(“we’re WARNNG you!”)
“for the record…”
(don’t say we didn’t warn you).
(“don’t you dare say you never knew ’til now…”)
.(“so now you know…”)
(“on blast”…)
(…”outta greehouse gas”)
“well i’ll be damned!”
(“global warming” + “climate change” are terms for the observed ‘century-scale rise’ in the ‘average temperature’ of the earth’s ‘climate system’ and its related effects)
(multiple ‘lines’ of ‘scientific evidence’ show that the ‘climate system’ is ‘warming’)
(although the increase of ‘near-surface atmospheric temperature’ is the measure of ‘global warming’ often reported in the ‘popular press’, most (?) of the additional ‘energy’ stored in the ‘climate system’ since 1970 has gone into the ‘oceans’)
(the rest has ‘melted ice’ and warmed the ‘continents’ + ‘atmosphere’)
(many of the observed changes since the ‘1950s’ are unprecedented over 10s of 1000s of ‘years’)
(‘scientific understanding’ of ‘global warming’ is increasing)
(the ‘intergovernmental panel’ on climate change” (‘IPCC’) reported in ‘2014’ that scientists were more than 95% certain that ‘global warming’ is mostly being caused by ‘human (aka ‘anthropogenic’) activities’, mainly increasing concentrations of ‘greenhouse gases’ such as ‘carbon dioxide’ (CO2))
*define ‘scientist’*
(human-made ‘carbon dioxide’ continues to increase above levels not seen in hundreds of thousands of years)
(currently, about half of the ‘carbon dioxide’ released from the burning of ‘fossil fuels’ remains in the ‘atmosphere’)
(the rest is absorbed by ‘vegetation’ + ‘the oceans’)
(‘climate model projections’ summarized in the report indicated that during the 21st century the ‘global surface temperature’ is likely to rise a further…)
(‘0.3 °C’ – ‘1.7 °C’)
(‘0.5 °F’ – ‘3.1 °F’)
(for their ‘lowest emissions scenario’)
(‘2.6 °C’ – ‘4.8 °C’)
(‘4.7 °F’ – ‘8.6 °F’)
(for the ‘highest emissions scenario’)
(these findings have been recognized by the “national science academies” of the ‘major industrialized nations’and are not ‘disputed’ by any ‘scientific body’ of ‘national’ or ‘international’ standing)
*define ‘standing’*
*OK! we get it! all the scientists agree!*
*not ‘disputed’ at all?*
*sure they weren’t!*
(you must be joking?)
(future ‘climate change’ + associated impacts will differ from ‘region’ to ‘region’ around the globe)
(‘anticipated effects’ include…)
‘warming global temperature’
‘rising sea levels’
‘changing precipitation’
*’expansion’ of ‘deserts’ in the ‘subtropics’*
*who will be hit the hardest?*
*are these all (unequivocally) ‘negative’ effects?*
*will there be any ‘positive’ effects?*
(‘warming’ is expected to be greater over ‘land’ than over the ‘oceans’ and greatest in the ‘arctic’, with the continuing retreat of [‘glaciers’ / ‘perma-frost’ / ‘sea ice’])
(other ‘likely’ changes include…)
*more frequent ”extreme’ weather events’*
‘heat waves’
‘heavy rainfall’
(w/ ‘floods’)
‘heavy snowfall’
(but ‘we’ already have much more than our ‘fair share’ of those)
(and have had them since ‘day 1’)
(without the alleged effects of ‘global warming’)
‘ocean acidification’
‘species extinctions’
(due to ‘shifting temperature regimes’)
(effects significant to ‘humans’ include…)
*threat to ‘food security’ from ‘decreasing crop yields’*
*abandonment of ‘populated areas’ due to ‘rising sea levels’*
(because the ‘climate system’ has a large ‘inertia’ and CO2 will stay in the atmosphere for a long time, many of these effects will not only exist for ‘decades’ or ‘centuries’, but will persist for ‘tens’ of ‘thousands’ of ‘years’)
(possible ‘societal responses’ to ‘global warming’ include…)
*‘mitigation’ by ’emissions reduction’*
*’adaptation’ to its effects*
*building ‘systems’ resilient to its ‘effects’*
*possible future ‘climate engineering’*
(summoning ‘spirit of tesla’)
(most countries are parties to the ‘united nations framework convention on ‘climate change'”‘ (‘UNFCCC’), whose ultimate objective is to prevent dangerous ‘anthropogenic climate change’)
(and while they’re at it, can they also (try to) figure how to ‘mitigate’ the ‘non-anthropogenic’ (aka ‘non-man-made’ / ‘natural’)) ’cause / effect’ of ‘global warming’ trends)
(parties to the ‘UNFCCC’ have agreed that ‘deep cuts’ in ’emissions’ are ‘required’ and that ‘global warming’ should be limited to well below 2.0 °C (/ 3.6 °F) relative to ‘pre-industrial levels’, with efforts made to limit warming to 1.5 °C (/ 2.7 °F))
(public reactions to ‘global warming’ and concern about its ‘effects’ are also ‘increasing’)
(a global 2015 ‘pew research center’ report showed a median of 54% consider it “a very serious problem”)
*but what do THEY know?*
(remember, this is he same ‘public’ that elected trump)
(and not too long ago, a ”christian’ public’ that approved of ‘slavery’, violently opposed ‘miscegenation’ in any form, rallied against ‘gay marriage’, and criminalized marijuana)
(to name a few…)
(there are significant ‘regional differences’, with ‘americans’ + ‘chinese’ (whose economies are responsible for the ‘greatest (or ‘most’) annual CO2 emissions’) among the ‘least concerned’)
(‘most’ ’emissons’ per capita?)
“makes ‘perfect’ sense”
(the ‘concrete benefits’ for these countries outweighs the risk of ‘anthroanthropogenic disaster’)
(what are anthropogenic actions are allegedly ‘harming’ our ‘planet’?)
(‘whose planet?’)
(‘OUR planet!’)
(according to…?)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥