


(‘robert napoli’ recommended using a ‘hemostat’ to remove ‘pegs’ on ‘acoustic guitar’)

(can be bought at street fair near ‘union square park’)


(a hemostat (also called a hemostatic clamp, arterial forceps, or pean after ‘jules-emile péan’) is a surgical tool used in many surgical procedures to control ‘bleeding’)

(for this reason it’s common in the initial phases of surgery for initial incision to be lined with ‘hemostats’ which close blood vessels awaiting ‘ligation’)

(‘hemostats’ belong to a group of instruments that ‘pivot’ (similar to ‘scissors’, and including needle holders, tissue holders and various clamps) where the structure of the tip determines the function)

(the ‘hemostat’ has handles that can be held in place by their ‘locking mechanism’)

(the locking mechanism is typically a series of interlocking teeth, a few on each handle, that allow the user to adjust the clamping force of the pliers)

(when locked together, the force between the tips is approximately 40 ‘N’ (9 ‘lbf’))

(‘hemostats’ are part of the first aid kit carried by ‘combat medics’ and ‘paramedics’)

(they are also used as ‘heatsinks’ while soldering ‘electric circuits’; as ‘tools’ to hold the ‘filter’ of ‘marijuana cigarettes’; by ‘fishermen’ to remove ‘hooks’ from the mouths of ‘fish’; by ‘motor mechanics’ to hold ‘nuts’, ‘bolts’, and ‘screws’ in constricted locations, and as ‘tools’ to feed ‘prey’ to captive ‘reptiles’ and ‘exotic invertebrates’ without being ‘stung’ or ‘bitten’)













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