"high school gym class"

*miss gershburg*


*mister cacchio*


*miss cecala*

(dan roth slipping tabasco sauce into her coffee)
(subsequently sending her to the hospital)
(cops came to arrest dan in class)
(he approached me after the PSATs)


*old man wayne-o*

(everyone started hating gym class in high school)

(when an otherwise healthy teenage male is unenthusiastic when give a chance to participate in a competitive sport for an hour out of a sedentary day, there is something hormonally off)

(maybe that means we should focus more on technological progress)

(maybe physical sport is another pastime we must abandon in the evolutionary process)

(but like music, exercise keeps us on the line with ‘god’s will’)



👈👈👈☜*“GYM CLASS HEROES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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