“ignatius of loyola”


basque: ignazio loiolakoa,

spanish: ignacio de loyola)

(c. ”23 october 1491′ – ’31 july 1556′)




(“saint ignatius of loyola” was a ‘spanish knight’ from a local basque noble family, ‘hermit’, ‘priest’ since 1537, and ‘theologian’, who founded the ‘society of jesus’ (‘jesuits’) and, on ’19 april 1541′, became its first ‘superior general’)

(‘ignatius’ emerged as a religious leader during the ‘counter-reformation’)

(loyola’s devotion to the ‘catholic church’ was characterized by absolute obedience to the ‘pope’)

(after being seriously wounded in the ‘battle of pamplona’ in 1521, he underwent a spiritual conversion while in recovery)

(“de vita christi” by ‘ludolph of saxony’ purportedly inspired ‘loyola’ to abandon his previous ‘military life’ and devote himself to labor for ‘god’, following the example of ‘spiritual leaders’ such as ‘francis of assisi’)

(after experiencing a vision of the ‘virgin mary’ and the ‘infant jesus’ at the shrine of “our lady of montserrat” in “march 1522”, he went to “manresa”, where he began praying for 7 hours a day, often in a nearby cave, and formulating the fundamentals of the “spiritual exercises”)

(in ‘september 1523’, ‘loyola’ reached the ‘holy land’ to settle there, but was sent back to ‘europe’ by the ‘franciscans’)

(between 1524 and 1537, ‘ignatius’ studied ‘theology’ and ‘latin’ in the ‘University of Alcalá’ and then in ‘paris’)

(in 1534, he arrived in the latter city during a period of anti-protestant turmoil which forced ‘john calvin’ to flee ‘france’)

(‘ignatius’ and a few followers bound themselves by vows of ‘poverty’, ‘chastity’, and ‘obedience’)

(in 1539, they formed the “society of jesus”, approved in 1540 by “pope paul III”, as well as his spiritual exercises approved in ‘1548’)

(“loyola” also composed the constitutions of the ‘society’)

(he died in ‘july 1556’, was beatified by ‘pope paul V’ in ‘1609’, canonized by ‘pope gregory XV’ in ‘1622’, and declared ‘patron of all spiritual retreats’ by ‘pope pius XI’ in ‘1922’)

(ignatius’ ‘feast day’ is celebrated on ‘july 31st’)

(‘ignatius’ is a foremost ‘patron saint’ of ‘soldiers’, the ‘society of jesus’, the ‘basque country’, and the provinces of ‘gipuzkoa’ and ‘biscay’)



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