*cannabis indica*

Row(Purple Kush).jpg


*formally known as ‘cannabis sativa forma indica‘*


*’cannabis indica’ is an ‘annual plant’ in the ‘cannabaceae family’*

(‘indica’ is a reference to ‘india’)

(the source of the cannabis strain ‘jean-baptiste lamarck’ happened to be studying)


(a putative species of the genus “cannabis”)

(in 1785, “jean-baptiste lamarck” published a description of a 2nd species of cannabis, which he named “cannabis indica”)


*”jean baptiste*

(my former landlord)

(who’d sell me pinches from time to time)

(but that ‘jean baptiste’ was a black man)

(a haitian to e sure)

(his ancestors enslaved by the ‘french’ until they finally revolted ‘en masse’)


(‘lamarck’ based his description of the newly named species on plant specimens collected in ‘india’)

(“richard evans schultes” described c. indica as relatively ‘short’, ‘conical’, and ‘densely branched’, whereas c. sativa was described as ‘tall’ and ‘laxly branched’)

(“loran c. anderson” described c. indica plants as having short, broad ‘leaflets’ whereas those of c. sativa were characterized as relatively ‘long’ and ‘narrow’)

(“cannabis indica” plants conforming to schultes’s and anderson’s descriptions may have originated from the “hindu kush” mountain range)


(because of the often ‘harsh’/’variable’ climate of those parts (with ‘extremely cold winters’ + ‘warm summers’), c. indica is well-suited for cultivation in ‘temperate climates’)






👈👈👈☜*“CANNABIS STRAINS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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