“master-slave morality”

*ESSAY #1*

(‘gerold’s blog’)
(highly recommended reading)


(“master–slave morality” is a central theme of friedrich nietzsche’s works, in particular the first essay of “on the genealogy of morality”)

(‘nietzsche’ argued that there were 2 fundamental types of ‘morality’)

‘master morality’ vs ‘slave morality’

(‘slave morality’ values things like ‘kindness’, ‘humility’, and ‘sympathy’, while ‘master morality’ values ‘pride’, ‘strength’, and ‘nobility’)

(‘master morality’ weighs ‘actions’ on a scale of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ consequences)

(i.e. classical ‘virtues’ + ‘vices’ / ‘consequentialism’))

“the ends justify the means…”
“road to hell paved with ‘good intentions’…”

(‘slave morality’ weighs ‘actions’ on a scale of ‘good’ or ‘evil’ intentions)

(e.g. christian ‘virtues’ + ‘vices’ / ‘kantian deontology’)

(for ‘nietzsche’, a particular ‘morality’ is inseparable from the formation of a particular ‘culture’, meaning that a culture’s ‘language’, ‘codes’, and ‘practices’ / ‘narratives’ / ‘institutions’ are informed by the struggle between these 2 ‘moral structures’)

(read more on ‘valuation’)






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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥