"mcdonald NJ"*lawrenceville*




“2940 brunswick pike”

*route 1*

*’lawrenceville’ / ‘NJ’*

(open ‘5:30AM’ – ’11PM’)



*25 JULY 2016*

(i walked to mcdonalds lawrenceville)

(from mercer county library)

(monday night)

(then i took an ‘uber’ into ‘princeton’)

(because ‘mcdonalds’ has ‘free wifi’ / ‘outlets’ / ‘stools’)

(spent the last of my $$$ on a ‘mcflurry’)

(there were ‘donation boxes’ near the ‘cash register’)

(and a ‘clean bathroom’)

(and a young black man constantly sweeping)

(i watched the ‘2016 democratic national presidential nomination convention’ on ‘CNN’)

(i was right next to ‘wawa’)

(i was high on ‘dph’)

(brand name ‘benadrill’)

(as well as ‘dramamine’)

(which is just DPH mxed with a ‘caffeine-like’ stumulant to treat motion sickness)

(and the stimulant is added to counteract DPH-induced ‘drowsiness’)

(benadryl + dramamine)

(on my receipt i saw a “buy 1 get 1 free” deal)

(for a ‘quarter pounder’ (with cheese) or ‘egg mcmuffin’)

(go to www.mcdvoice.com)

(in next 7 days)

(the deal expires in ’30 days’)



👈👈👈☜*“MCDONALD”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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