"the phoenician alphabet"



*conventionally called ‘the proto-canaanite alphabet’ for inscriptions older than ~1050 BCE*




(the Phoenician alphabet is an abjad consisting of 22 letters, all consonants, with matres lectionis used for some vowels in certain late varieties)

(it was used for the writing of ‘phoenician’, a ‘northern semitic’ language, used by the civilization of ‘phoenicia’)

(the ‘phoenician alphabe’ is derived from ‘egyptian hieroglyphs’)

(it became one of the most widely used writing systems, spread by ‘phoenician merchants’ across the ‘mediterranean world’, where it evolved and was assimilated by many other cultures)

(the ‘Paleo-Hebrew’ alphabet is a local variant of the ‘Phoenician’ alphabetical script)

(another derivative script is the ‘Aramaic’ alphabet, which was the ancestor of the modern ‘Arabic’ script)

(the ‘Modern Hebrew’ script is a stylistic variant of the ‘Aramaic’ script)

(the ‘Greek’ alphabet (and by extension its descendants, such as ‘Latin’, ‘Cyrillic’, ‘Runic’, and ‘Coptic’) was also derived from ‘Phoenician’)

(as the letters were originally incised with a ‘stylus’, most of the shapes are angular and straight, although more cursive versions are increasingly attested in later times, culminating in the ‘Neo-Punic’ alphabet of Roman-era ‘North Africa’)


(‘phoenician’ was usually written from ‘right’ to ‘left’, although there are some texts written in ‘boustrophedon’)








👈👈👈☜*“ALPHABETS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥