








*plural* –> quanta


(in ‘physics’, a quantum is the minimum amount of any ‘physical entity’ involved in an ‘interaction’)


(the fundamental notion that a ‘physical property’ may be “quantized” is referred to as “the hypothesis of quantization”)

(this means that the ‘magnitude’ of the ‘physical property’ can take on only certain ‘discrete values’)

(for example, a ‘photon’ is a ‘single quantum’ of ‘light’ (or of any other form of ‘electromagnetic radiation’), and can be referred to as a “light quantum”)

(similarly, the ‘energy’ of an ‘electron’ bound within an ‘atom’ is also ‘quantized’, and thus can only exist in certain ‘discrete values’)

(the fact that ‘electrons’ can only exist at ‘discrete energy levels’ in an ‘atom’ causes ‘atoms’ to be ‘stable’, and hence ‘matter’ in general is ‘stable’)

(“quantization” is one of the foundations of the much broader physics of ‘quantum mechanics’)


(‘quantization’ of the ‘energy’ + its influence on how ‘energy’ + ‘matter’ interact (‘quantum electrodynamics’) is part of the fundamental framework for understanding and describing ‘nature’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥