









‘hebrew’ –> “the accuser”

שָּׂטָן‎‎ / ‘satan‘ –> enemy” / ‘adversary’


“play ‘stairway to heaven’ backwards
(i dare you!)

“there was a toolshed where he made us suffer…”


Arabic: شيطان‎‎ shaitan,

(meaning; “astray”, “distant”, or sometimes “devil”)


(“satan” is a figure appearing in the texts of the “abrahamic religions” who brings evil and temptation, and is known as the ‘deceiver’ who leads humanity astray)


(some ‘religious groups’ teach that he originated as an ‘angel’ (or something of the like) who used to possess great ‘piety’ + ‘beauty’, but subsequently ‘fell’ because of ‘hubris’, seducing ‘humanity’ into the ways of ‘falsehood’ + ‘sin’, + has power in the ‘fallen world’)

(in the ‘hebrew bible’ + the ‘new testament’, ‘satan’ is primarily an ‘accuser’ + ‘adversary’, a decidedly malevolent entity, also called the ‘devil’, who possesses ‘demonic qualities’)

(although ‘satan’ is generally viewed as having ‘negative characteristics’, some groups have very different beliefs)

(in ‘theistic satanism’, ‘satan’ is considered a ‘deity’ who is either ‘worshipped’ or ‘revered’)

(in ‘laveyan satanism’, “satan” is a symbol of ‘virtuous characteristics’ + ‘liberty’)



(the modern ‘satan’ is merely the angry victim of ‘religious indoctrination’ seeking ‘revenge’)

“the indoctrinated”

“the masses”

(think ‘bill maher’)

(or any other “anti-religious crusaders” with a ‘bully pulpit’)

(dawkins / hitchens / sam harris / etc etc etc)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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