*scott joplin*

‘7 june 1903’
(‘age 34’)



(/ˈdʒɒplɪn/; c. 1867/68 or ’24 november 1868′ – ‘1 april 1917’)


(“scott joplin” was an american ‘composer’ / ‘pianist’)


(‘joplin’ achieved fame for his ‘ragtime compositions’ and was dubbed the “king of ragtime”)

(during his brief career, he wrote ’44 original ragtime pieces’, ‘1 ragtime ballet’, and ‘2 operas’)

(one of his first (and most popular) pieces, the “maple leaf rag”, became ragtime’s first and most influential hit, and has been recognized as the “archetypal rag”)

(‘joplin’ was born into a musical family of ‘railway laborers’ in ‘northeast texas’, and developed his ‘musical knowledge’ with the help of ‘local teachers’)

(‘joplin’ grew up in ‘texarkana’, where he formed a ‘vocal quartet’, and taught ‘mandolin’ + ‘guitar’)

(during the ‘late 1880s’ he left his job as a ‘laborer’ with the ‘railroad’, and traveled around the ‘american south’ as an ‘itinerant musician’)

(he went to ‘chicago’ for the “World’s Fair of 1893”, which played a major part in making ‘ragtime’ a ‘national craze’ by ‘1897’)

(‘joplin’ moved to ‘sedalia’ (/ ‘missouri’) in ‘1894’ and earned a living as a ‘piano teacher’; there he taught future ragtime composers ‘arthur marshall’, ‘scott hayden’, and ‘brun campbell’)

(‘joplin’ began publishing music in ‘1895’, and publication of his “maple leaf rag” in ‘1899’ brought him fame)

(this piece had a profound influence on subsequent writers of ‘ragtime’)

(it also brought the composer a ‘steady income’ for life, though ‘joplin’ did not reach this level of success again and frequently had ‘financial problems’)

(in ‘1901’, ‘joplin’ moved to ‘saint louis’, where he continued to ‘compose’ + ‘publish’ music, and regularly performed in the ‘saint louis community’)

(the ‘score’ to his first opera a guest of honor was confiscated in ‘1903’ with his belongings because of a ‘non-payment of bills’, and is now considered ‘lost’)

(he continued to ‘compose’ + ‘publish’ music, and in ‘1907’ moved to ‘new york city’ to find a ‘producer’ for a new ‘opera’)

(he attempted to go beyond the limitations of the ‘musical form’ that made him ‘famous’, without much ‘monetary success’)

(his second opera, treemonisha, was not received well at its ‘partially staged performance’ in ‘1915’)

(in ‘1916’, ‘joplin’ descended into ‘dementia’ as a result of ‘syphilis’)

(he was admitted to a ‘mental institution’ in ‘january 1917’, and died there 3 months later at ‘age 49’)

(joplin’s death is widely considered to mark the end of ‘ragtime’ as a ‘mainstream music format’, and in the next several years it evolved with other styles into ‘stride’, ‘jazz’, and eventually ‘big band swing’)

(his music was rediscovered and returned to popularity in the ‘early 1970s’ with the release of a million-selling album recorded by ‘joshua rifkin’)

(this was followed by the academy award–winning 1973 movie the sting that featured several of his compositions including “the entertainer”)

(the opera treemonisha was finally produced in full to wide acclaim in ‘1972’)



(in ‘1976’, joplin was posthumously awarded a “pulitzer prize”)









👈👈👈☜*“JAZZ”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥