“what about bob?” (lyrics)

“but what about bob?”


“that’s why you’re nowhere…”
(says hobo abe)

(or shall i say “homo abe”?)

(the corpse of william warren)

(“now (s)he belongs to the ages alright!”)

go back to father florida’s farm
daddy’s dad was so ashamed
for poor willy’s gone insane!

four score!

425 avenue of the americas
(jefferson market library)
(“this is so bizarre”)
(my mantra)


hey william warren?
what year ya born in?

uncle of johanna
son of uncle ernie
provide me marijuana for my sentimental journey

(cuz in the) midday sun
we’ll roll as one
in the midday sun…

midtown soul survivors


soon she’ll be bound
she’ll come around

grandmother of walter
sister of melissa
i left her at the altar
yea i think you might have missed her

(become as one)
we’ll be comin…comin…

(into “quirk”)


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