speed log

monday in july 2010

(I will finish this pot of coffee today)

(because I didn’t drink much coffee all weekend)

28 APRIL 2011

(drank an entire pot of homemade maxwell house coffee starting in late evening)

trenta is less than 50 cents more

(that will add up!)

(32 fluid oz???)

(that’s a lot of caffeine / day)

(which won’t help my digestive matters)

17 october 2011

one trenta iced coffee / day

drink rest of coffee

(finished a pot of coffee)

redline (peach mango) has equivalent of two cups of coffee caffeine-wise

were landscapers drinking coffee?

(before brewing a pot of coffee)

i’m onto coffee

the coffee is making me queasy

coffee overstimulates digestive system

sean offered me the last cup of coffee (with a blue mug he washed for me)

(jim wanted some coffee)

(the coffee tasted like hot chocolate)

scuba looking for extension cord for coffee maker

scuba gave me the rest of hot coffee

scuba needs $2 from jim for coffee?

(shawn lords over scuba)

(he wants the $150 from me TODAY)

(he made sure he knew when my paycheck came and where my bank account is)

(he’s smarter than he seems)

(he’ll game all day)

(and smoke resin)

(and drink cheap coffee)

(from a generic white glass mug)

(still some coffee in the pot)

(scuba made me a cup of coffee)

(at 10pm?)

(so i’ll be up all night now….)

(good thing i’m still tired)

(why is “tall” the smallest size @ starbucks?)

(have too many people called their bluff?)

(i ordered a grande (2 of 4) for $2.62)

(was it even sweetened?)

(how much extra is sweetened coffee?)

i took a redline

(rochelle had no cash)

mama won’t even buy me food anymore (nor coffee)

(the revolutionary lounge is a mere cafe)

bought a redline at work yesterday for $3.12

bought another redline at work (the comedown depressed me upon return)

shawn brought me a shared coffee with milk + sugar @ atlantic

drank remnants of ted and scuba’s french vanilla coffee (from dunkin donuts)

shawn had a coffee this morning which i sipped from

(he and scuba called in sick)

shawn brewed some french vanilla coffee this morning

(i had my cup black)

drank the remnants of a french vanilla coffee…

may as well vap / drink coffee now

(i can do healthy living afterwards)
no coffee this morning

‘what’s going on today?’
(says mother)

(mother making me coffee instead now)

(mother made me bad cup of coffee / make me another!)

10 march 2014:

buying $2 monster energy drinks with my foodstamps card from the local bodega

and drinking them in the computer lab
(despite the sign explicitly stating “no food or drink in the computer lab”)
(the dumb niggers here brazenly sip their coffees)
(so why should i follow the rules?)
(the workers here don’t seem to mind)
(just like the “no smoking” sign on my motel room door)

the monster serves me well
(but they’ll drain my EBT card)

and i’m building up a tolerance
(i drank 7 monsters on saturday)
(after buying a 10-pack on friday afternoon)

already on my fourth monster of the day

near the motel, i can only buy them at the local walmart

(some stores don’t count them as “food products” under the foodstamps program:)


i’m downing energy drinks and writing…

bought 4 monster energy drinks

(but they aren’t working)

should i go on a mission for energy drinks?

it’d be good to take a walk

(only $18 in foodstamps left)

(i’m wasting it on junk food and energy drinks)

it seems i can buy individual energy drinks but not energy drink packs

(too lazy to walk to the grocery store for energy drinks)

(i’ve reached another dead end once the energy drink high wore off)

and i need energy drinks

i went through 3 monsters and a 20oz red bull yesterday
(and i’m out of money for energy drinks for the next 9 days)

shoprite wouldn’t let me buy a 4-pack of monster

but walmart let me buy 2 monster drinks and a red bull

started off the morning with a monster

so i walked to shoprite

(again i couldn’t purchase individual monster drinks)

so i walked to walmart

where i bought 3 monster drinks / 1 20oz redbull / a twix four-pack

and i’m going through 3 monsters

(it’s not having much effect on me)

may as well give up that habit as well

the dunkin donuts espresso machine is still broken…so i settled for a large iced coffee…

21 april 2014:

my tolerance to energy drinks is frightening…i am spending all of my foodstamps $$$ on energy drinks…now the foodstamps card is tapped out (after starting off the monday morning with 4 monsters)…at least the corner store reloaded on monsters…this can’t be good for my digestive tract…but it does seem to optimize my productivity…

28 may 2014:

with my bank account in overdraft, i’m relying on my overstuffed foodstamps card to purchase energy drinks + coffee from the grocery store near mercer county community college…so far i’ve been through 2 monsters + 2 starbucks frappuccios…i’ll purchase more before i catch the bus back to the motel room…

2 june 2014:

bought a venti starbucks sweetened iced coffee at the princeton starbucks after cashing the welfare check…this can’t be good for my bowels…then i got 5 espressos at “terra momo” cafe in the princeton library…only because it was a $7 minimum for debit card…another $7.50 down the drain…

10 june 2014:

sticking to monster energy drinks (bought with foodstamps)…they seem to be making me weak + hungry (as well as giving me nasty shits)…but they’re all i’ve got for now…i plan on going through 3 – 4 monster drinks a day until i grow immune…

11 june 2014:

bought out all the monster energy drinks at CVS…onto large (16oz) red bulls…they restocked the monsters by the following afternoon…and i’m back to monsters…

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