

A ball-and-stick model of testosterone.



-as of [8 APRIL 2024]


(‘steroid hormone’ from ‘androgen group’)

(“male human hormone”)

(in ‘humans’ (and other ‘vertebrate animals’), ‘testosterone’ is secreted by the ‘testicles’ of ‘males’…)

(…and to a lesser extent the ‘ovaries’ of ‘females’)


(“testosterone” is a ‘steroid hormone’ from the ‘androgen group’ and is found in ‘humans’ + other ‘vertebrates’)


(small amounts are also secreted by the ‘adrenal glands’)

(it is the ‘principal male sex hormone’ and an ‘anabolic steroid’)

(in men, ‘testosterone’ plays a key role in the development of ‘male reproductive tissues’ (such as the ‘testes’ and ‘prostate’), as well as promoting ‘secondary sexual characteristics’ (such as increased ‘muscle’ + ‘bone’ mass / ‘growth’ of ‘body hair’))

(in addition, ‘testosterone’ is essential for (‘health’ / ‘well-being’ / ‘prevention of ‘osteoporosis’))

(on average, in ‘adult males’, levels of testosterone are about 7–8 times as great as in ‘adult females’)

(as the ‘metabolic consumption’ of ‘testosterone’ in ‘males’ is greater, the ‘daily production’ is about 20 times greater in men)

(‘females’ are also more sensitive to the ‘hormone’)

(‘testosterone’ is observed in most ‘vertebrates’)

(‘fish’ make a slightly different form called ’11-ketotestosterone’)

(its counterpart in ‘insects’ is ‘ecdysone’)

(these ‘ubiquitous steroids’ suggest that ‘sex hormones’ have an ‘ancient evolutionary history’)


(‘testosterone’ is on the “WHO model list of essential medicines”)

*the most important medications needed in a ‘basic health system’*



















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. male reproductive system | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. “anabolic steroid” | *JoGa Jungle*

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