*the battle of ‘dyrrhachium’*


(modern day ‘durrës’)
(in what we now know as ‘albania’)


*the battle of dyrrachium (or ‘dyrrhachium’) on ’10 july 48 BCE’ was a battle of caesar’s ‘civil war’ in the area of the city of ‘dyrrachium’ (in what is now ‘albania’)*


(it was fought between ‘julius caesar’ and the army led by ‘gnaeus pompey’ with the ‘backing’ of the ‘majority’ of the ‘roman senate’)

(the battle was a victory for ‘pompey’)
(albeit not a ‘decisive’ one)

(the battle preceded the ‘battle of pharsalus’ which was the decisive battle of the ‘civil war’)

(which took place in ‘farsala’ in what is now ‘modern day greece’)


(‘9 AUGUST 48 BCE’)

(less than a month after the ‘battle of dyrrhachium’)

(i take it ‘caesar’ emerged victorious)

(he should have abolished the ‘roman senate’ 60 seconds after being ‘sworn in’)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥