-as of [20 SEPTEMBER 2024]-
-“thermo-dynamics” is a branch of ‘physics’ concerned with [‘heat’ + ‘temperature’] and their relation to [‘energy’ + ‘work’]-
(the ‘behavior’ of these ‘quantities’ is governed by the 4 laws of thermodynamics, irrespective of the ‘composition’ or ‘specific properties’ of the ‘material’ or ‘system’ in question)
(the ‘laws of thermodynamics’ are explained in terms of ‘microscopic constituents’ by ‘statistical mechanics’)
(‘thermodynamics’ applies to a wide variety of topics in ‘science’ + ‘engineering’, especially (‘physical chemistry’ / ‘chemical engineering’ / ‘mechanical engineering’))
(historically, ‘thermodynamics’ developed out of a desire to increase the ‘efficiency’ of early ‘steam engines’, particularly through the work of french physicist ‘nicolas léonard sadi carnot’ (1824) who believed that ‘engine efficiency’ was the key that could help ‘france’ win the ‘napoleonic wars’)
(scots-irish (?) physicist ‘lord kelvin’ was the first to formulate a concise definition of ‘thermodynamics’ in ‘1854’ which stated…)
“thermo-dynamics is the subject of the relation of ‘heat’ to forces acting between ‘contiguous parts of bodies’, and the relation of ‘heat’ to ‘electrical agency'”
(1824 – 1907)
(the ‘initial application’ of ‘thermodynamics’ to ‘mechanical heat engines’ was extended early on to the study of ‘chemical compounds’ + ‘chemical reactions’)
(‘chemical thermodynamics’ studies the ‘nature’ of the role of ‘entropy’ in the process of ‘chemical reactions’ and has provided the bulk of ‘expansion’ + ‘knowledge’ of the field)
(other formulations of thermodynamics emerged in the following decades)
(‘statistical thermodynamics’ (or ‘statistical mechanics’) concerned itself with ‘statistical predictions’ of the ‘collective motion’ of particles from their ‘microscopic behavior’)
(in 1909, “constantin carathéodory” presented a ‘purely mathematical approach’ to the field in his ‘axiomatic formulation’ of ‘thermodynamics’ (a description often referred to as “geometrical thermodynamics”))
(the 3 laws of thermodynamics define the physical quantities (‘temperature / ‘energy’ / ‘entropy’) that characterize ‘thermodynamic systems’ at ‘thermal equilibrium’)
(the laws describe how these quantities behave under various circumstances, and preclude the possibility of certain phenomena (such as ‘perpetual motion’))
the 3 laws of thermodynamics are….
(when ‘energy’ passes…)
(…as ‘work’ / as ‘heat’ / with ‘matter’…)
(…’into’ / ‘out from’ a ‘system’…)
(…the system’s ‘internal energy’ changes in accord with the ”law’ of ‘conservation’ of ‘energy”…)
(equivalently, ‘perpetual motion machines’ of the ‘1st kind’ (which are ‘machines’ that produce ‘work’ with no ‘energy input’) are impossible)
(in a ‘natural thermo-dynamic process’, the ‘sum’ of the ‘entropies’ of the ‘interacting thermo-dynamic systems’ increases)
(equivalently, ‘perpetual motion machines’ of the ‘2nd kind’ (‘machines’ that spontaneously convert ‘thermal energy’ into ‘mechanical work’) are impossible)
(the ‘entropy’ of a system approaches a ‘constant value’ as the ‘temperature’ approaches ‘absolute zero’)
(with the exception of ‘non-crystalline solids’ (aka ‘glasses’) the ‘entropy’ of a system at ‘absolute zero’ is typically close to ‘zero’)
(in addition, there is conventionally added a “zeroth law”, which defines ‘thermal equilibrium’…)
(if 2 systems are each in ‘thermal equilibrium’ with a 3rd system, they are in ‘thermal equilibrium’ with each other)
(this law helps define the concept of ‘temperature’)
(there have been suggestions of additional laws, but none of them achieve the ‘generality’ of the ‘4 accepted laws’, and they are not mentioned in ‘standard textbooks’)
*the ‘laws of thermo-dynamics’ are important ‘fundamental laws’ in ‘physics’ and they are applicable in other ‘natural sciences’*
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥