-times square-

(formed at the junction of ‘broadway’ + ‘seventh avenue’)
(as ‘broadway’ flows ‘northwest’)
(its intersection with ‘6th’ avenue’ is ‘herald square’)


(southern border – “west 42nd street”)
(though the map above indicates “west 40th street”)

(northern border – “west 47th street”)

(for a ‘height’ of ‘5 blocks’)

(western border – ‘8th avenue’)

(eastern border – ‘6th avenue’)

(for a width of ‘2 blocks’)

(presents itself as a ‘square’?)
(but it’s just another ‘rectangle’?)


(manhattan ‘blocks’ can be divided into) –>

“short blocks”
(~ 1/10 mile?)

“long blocks”
(~ 1/5 mile?)
(~ 2x as long as ‘short block’)





7th avenue

west 42nd
west 47th





7th avenue

west 42nd

west 47th

(south of 59th street)

(north of:)
(34th street?)
(23rd street?)
(14th street?)


(“Times Square” is a major commercial intersection and neighborhood in ‘Midtown Manhattan’, ‘New York City’, at the junction of ‘Broadway’ and ‘Seventh Avenue’, and stretching from West 42nd to West 47th Streets)

(brightly adorned with billboards and advertisements, ‘Times Square’ is sometimes referred to as ‘The Crossroads of the World’, ‘The Center of the Universe’, the heart of ‘The Great White Way’, and the “heart of the world”)

(one of the world’s busiest pedestrian intersections, it is also the hub of the ‘Broadway Theater District’ and a major center of the world’s ‘entertainment industry’)

(‘Times Square’ is one of the world’s most visited tourist attractions, drawing an estimated 50 million visitors annually)

(approximately 330,000 people pass through ‘Times Square’ daily, many of them tourists, while over 460,000 pedestrians walk through ‘Times Square’ on its busiest days)

(formerly known as Longacre Square, ‘Times Square’ was renamed in 1904 after The New York Times moved its headquarters to the newly erected ‘Times Building’, the site of the annual ‘ball drop’ which began on 31 december 1907, and continues today, attracting over a million visitors to ‘Times Square’ every ‘New Year’s Eve’)

(‘Times Square’ is not a ‘square’ in the geometric sense of a ‘polygon’, but is more of a ‘bowtie’ shape, or two triangles emanating roughly north and south from 45th Street)

(‘Duffy Square’, the northernmost of Times Square’s triangles, was dedicated in 1937 to Chaplain ‘Francis P. Duffy’ of New York City’s U.S. ’69th Infantry Regiment’ and is the site of a memorial to him, along with a statue of ‘george m. cohan’)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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