-nicotiana tabacum-

Tabak P9290021.JPG




*aka ‘cultivated tobacco’*


*”nicotiana tabacum” is an annually-grown herbaceous plant*


(it is found only in cultivation, where it is the most commonly grown of all plants in the Nicotiana genus, and its leaves are commercially grown in many countries to be processed into ‘tobacco’)

(it grows to heights between 1 and 2 meters)

(research is ongoing into its ancestry among wild nicotiana species, but it is believed to be a hybrid of ‘nicotiana sylvestris’, ‘nicotiana tomentosiformis’, and possibly “nicotiana otophora”)

(“tobacco” is a product prepared from the leaves of the tobacco plant by curing them)

(the plant is part of the genus Nicotiana and of the Solanaceae (nightshade) family)

(while more than 70 species of tobacco are known, the chief commercial crop is “n. tabacum”)

(the more potent variant N. rustica is also used around the world)

(‘tobacco’ contains the alkaloid ‘nicotine’, which is a ‘stimulant’)

(dried tobacco leaves are mainly used for smoking in cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, and flavored shisha tobacco)

(they can be also consumed as snuff, chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco and ‘snus’)

(‘tobacco use’ is a risk factor for many diseases, especially those affecting the heart, liver, and lungs, as well as many cancers)

(in 2008, the ‘world health organization’ named ‘tobacco’ as the world’s single greatest cause of preventable death)

(explorer ‘christopher columbus’ is generally credited with the introduction of ‘tobacco’ to ‘europe’)


“the revenge of the ‘white man'”

*introducing ‘booze’ + ‘smallpox’ to the ‘native american tribes’*






👈👈👈☜*“NICOTIANA”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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