





17 JULY 180:

(12 inhabitants of ‘scillium’ (near ‘kasserine’ in modern-day ‘tunisia’) in ‘north africa’ are executed for being ‘christians’)

(this is the earliest record of ‘christianity’ in that part of the world)


About this sound
About this sound

(“tunisia” (arabic: تونس‎‎  tūnis; berber: ⵜⵓⵏⴻⵙ tunes; french: tunisie), officially the republic of tunisia (arabic: الجمهورية التونسية‎‎  al-jumhūrīya at-tūnisīya; berber: ⵜⴰⴳⴷⵓⴷⴰ ⵏ ⵜⵓⵏⴻⵙ tagduda n tunes) is a ‘country’ in ‘north africa’, covering ‘165,000 square kilometers’ (or ‘64,000 square miles’))

(its northernmost point (‘cape angela’) is the northernmost point on the ‘african continent’)

(it is bordered by ‘algeria’ to the ‘west’ and ‘southwest’, ‘libya’ to the ‘southeast’, and the ‘mediterranean sea’ to the ‘north’ and ‘east’)

(tunisia’s population was estimated to be just under ’11 million’ in ‘2014’)

(tunisia’s name is derived from its ‘capital city’ (‘tunis’) which is located on tunisia’s ‘northeast coast’)

(geographically, ‘tunisia’ contains the ‘eastern end’ of the ‘atlas mountains’ and the northern reaches of the ‘sahara desert’)

(much of the rest of the country’s land is ‘fertile soil’)

(its ‘1,300 kilometers’ (or ‘810 miles’) of coastline includes the ‘african conjunction’ of the ‘western’ and ‘eastern’ parts of the ‘mediterranean basin’ and, by means of the ‘sicilian strait’ and ‘sardinian channel’, features the african mainland’s 2nd and 3rd nearest points to ‘europe’ after ‘gibraltar’)

(‘tunisia’ is a ‘unitary semi-presidential representative democratic republic’)

(it is considered to be the only ‘full democracy’ in the ‘arab world’)

(it has a high “human development index”)

(it has an association agreement with the ‘european union’; is a member of ‘la francophonie’, the ‘union for the mediterranean’, the ‘arab maghreb union’, the ‘arab league’, the ‘OIC’, the ‘greater arab free trade area’, the ‘community of sahel-saharan states’, the ‘african union’, the ‘non-aligned movement’, the ‘group of 77’; and has obtained the status of ‘major non-NATO ally’ of the ‘united states’)

(in addition, ‘tunisia’ is also a ‘member state’ of the ‘united nations’ and a ‘state party’ to the ‘rome statute’ of the ‘international criminal court’)

(close relations with ‘europe’ (in particular with ‘france’ and ‘italy’) have been forged through ‘economic cooperation’, ‘privatization’, and ‘industrial modernization’)

(in ‘ancient times’, ‘tunisia’ was primarily inhabited by ‘berbers’)

(‘phoenician immigration’ began in the ’12th century BC’; these immigrants founded ‘carthage’)

(a ‘major mercantile power’ and a ‘military rival’ of the ‘roman republic’, ‘carthage’ was defeated by the ‘romans’ in ‘146 BC’)

(the ‘romans’, who would occupy ‘tunisia’ for most of the next ‘800 years’, introduced ‘christianity’ and left architectural legacies like the ‘El Djem amphitheater’)

(after several attempts starting in ‘647’, the ‘arabs’ conquered the whole of ‘tunisia’ by ‘697’, followed by the ‘ottomans’ between ‘1534’ and ‘1574’)

(the ‘ottomans’ held sway for over ‘300 years’)

(the ‘french colonization’ of ‘tunisia’ occurred in ‘1881’)

(‘tunisia’ gained independence with ‘habib bourguiba’ and declared the ‘tunisian republic’ in ‘1957’)

(in 2011, the ‘tunisian revolution’ resulted in the overthrow of ‘president zine el abidine ben ali’, followed by ‘parliamentary elections’)


(the country voted for ‘parliament’ again on ’26 october 2014′, and for ‘president’ on ’23 november 2014′)






👈👈👈☜*“ARAB AFRICA”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥