*watchung library*

Watchung Public Library




*’12 stirling road’*

(‘watchung’ / ‘NJ’ / ‘07069’)


(as a schoolboy with ‘summer reading assignments’, the libary was a ‘magic’ place to me)


*19 APRIL 2018* –>

(“watchung borough council” votes to close the ‘library’)


(too costly to maintain?)

(rendered obsolete in the ‘digital age’)

(who needs ‘brick + mortar’ libraries when we have ‘internet access’?)

(“the “for old times’ sake” argument never quite did it for a ‘futurist’ like me)

(trump’s policies represent ‘regression’)

(remember how he pandered to the ‘coal miners’ for ‘cheap political points’? (and promised to protect their jobs?)

(in order to accomplish this, it’d have to provide some sort of ‘subsidy’)

(or how he supports higher tariffs?)

(that doesn’t sound like a position held by any ‘free market advocates’ i’ve ever ‘read about’ / ‘heard of’)


(even the proposed ‘southern wall’ to keep ‘mexicans’ (and all other ‘illegal immigrants’) from attempting to cross our ‘southern border’ is another ‘anti-free-market’ policy)

(in this case, it creates a more inefficient ‘labor market’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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