
(1336 – 1573)






(a shogun was the ‘military dictator’ of ‘japan’ during the period from ‘1185’ to ‘1868’ (with exceptions))


(in most of this period, the ‘shoguns’ were the de facto rulers of the country, although nominally they were appointed by the ’emperor’ as a ‘ceremonial formality’)

(the ‘shogun’ held almost ‘absolute power’ over ‘territories’ through ‘military means’)

(nevertheless, an unusual situation occurred in the ‘kamakura period’ (‘1199’ – ‘1333’) upon the death of the first ‘shogun’, whereby the ‘hōjō clan’s hereditary titles of shikken (‘1199’ – ‘1256’) and tokusō (‘1256’ – ‘1333’) monopolized the ‘shogunate’ as ‘dictatorial positions’, collectively known as the regent rule (執権政治))

(the ‘shogun’ during this 134-year period met the same fate as the ’emperor’ and was reduced to a ‘figurehead’ until a ‘coup’ in ‘1333’, when the ‘shogun’ was restored to power in the name of the ’emperor’)

(the modern rank of ‘shogun’ is roughly equivalent to a ‘generalissimo’)

(“shogun” is the short form of sei-i taishōgun (征夷大将軍, “‘commander-in-chief’ of the ‘expeditionary force’ against the ‘barbarians'”), the individual governing the ‘country’ at various times in the history of ‘japan’, ending when ‘tokugawa yoshinobu’ relinquished the office to ’emperor meiji’ in ‘1867’)

(the ‘tent’ symbolized the ‘field commander’ but also denoted that such an ‘office’ was meant to be ‘temporary’)

(the shogun’s officials were collectively the bakufu, and were those who carried out the actual ‘duties of administration’, while the ‘imperial court’ retained only ‘nominal authority’)

(in this context, the office of the ‘shogun’ had a ‘status equivalent’ to that of a ‘viceroy’ or ‘governor-general’, but in reality ‘shoguns’ dictated orders to everyone including the reigning ’emperor’)






👈👈👈☜*“JAPANESE LEADERS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥