Month: July 2013

. -as of [20 SEPTEMBER 2024]- . *GROUND STATE* . -“thermo-dynamics” is a branch of ‘physics’ concerned with [‘heat’ + ‘temperature’] and their relation to […]

“earth day” (music)
“SPACESHIP EARTH” “THIS WHOLE WORLD” “the broken-hearted people have reached agreement” (TWEET THAT!) (ro replace “take that!”

“make a wish” (v1)
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=97876218 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=2064252132] (***BACK TO “MAKE A WISH (TRACKS)”***)

“july 22nd deaths”
“WU CHENGSI” (nephew of chinese sovereign “wu zetian”) (died in 698) (***BACK TO “JULY 22ND”***)

“wu chengsi”
(Chinese: 武承嗣; Pinyin: Wǔ Chéngsì) (died July 22, 698), formally Prince Xuan of Wei (魏宣王) . *”Wu Chengsi” was a nephew of Chinese sovereign ‘Wu […]

“gilles de rais”
“pronounced :”j-eye-uls-da-ray” (soft “j”) (not “g”) (don’t use “g” to make a “soft j” sound in a word) (that should be a rule) (“lana del […]

“anger journals”
(like ‘clapton’ meeting ‘peter green’) (and hitchens using ‘hate’ to fuel his literary ambition) (“love” is sexual attraction that carries over into love of children)(who […]

“bosom buddies”*OUTRO**US*
“ROAD TO DAMASCUS” . (‘F# (major)’)(i’d rather call the key ‘#10′ (of ’12’))(when starting from ‘A’ = ‘1’)(or ‘C’ = ‘1’?)(“take your pick”) . . […]

-as of [8 JANUARY 2025]- . “NIKOLA TESLA DAY” (he was born on 10 july 1856) . . *👨🔬🕵️♀️🙇♀️*SKETCHES*🙇♂️👩🔬🕵️♂️* . . 👈👈👈 ☜ *-JULY 9TH […]