"ganesh(a?) chaturthi"

Lalbaugh Ganesha.jpg


*’hindu festival’ in honor of ‘ganesha’*


(IAST: gaṇēśa chaturthī), also known as vinayaka chaturthi (vināyaka chaturthī) or vinayaka chavithi (vināyaka chavithī)

(“ganesh chaturthi” is a ‘hindu festival’ celebrating the birth of ‘ganesha’)

(a 10-day festival, it starts on the ‘4th day’ of the ‘hindu lunisolar calendar month’ bhadrapada, which typically falls in the ‘months’ of ‘august’ or ‘september’ of the ‘gregorian calendar’)


so roughly last began:

“13 SEPTEMBER 2018”
(a ‘thursday’)

“25 AUGUST 2017”
(longer than ‘1 year’ in between the last 2 festivals?)

“5 SEPTEMBER 2016”

“17 SEPTEMBER 2015”

(i’ve gotta learn more about this so-called ‘hindu lunisolar calendar’ before we proceed any further…)


(the festival is marked with the installation of ‘ganesha clay idols’ privately (aka ‘in homes’)or publicly (on elaborate ‘pandals’ (aka ‘temporary stages’))

(‘observations’ include chanting of ‘vedic hymns’ and ‘hindu texts’ such as ganapati upanishad, ‘prayers’, and vrata (aka ‘fasting’))

(‘offerings’ and prasadam from the ‘daily prayers’ (that is: ‘distributed from the pandal to the community’), include ‘sweets’ such as ‘modaka’ believed to be a favorite of ‘lord ganesh’)

(the festival ends on the ’10th day’ after ‘start’, where the idol is carried in a ‘public procession’ with ‘music’ and ‘group chanting’, then immersed in a nearby ‘body of water’ such as a ‘river’ or ‘ocean’)

(in ‘mumbai’ alone, around ‘150,000 statues’ are immersed annually)

(thereafter the ‘clay idol’ dissolves and ‘ganesha’ is believed to return to ‘mount kailash’ (to ‘parvati’ and ‘shiva’)

(the festival celebrates ‘lord ganesha’ as the ‘god’ of ‘new beginnings’ and the ‘remover’ of ‘obstacles’ as well as the god of ‘wisdom’ and ‘intelligence’) and is observed throughout ‘india’, especially in the states such as ‘maharashtra’, ‘madhya’, ‘pradesh’, ‘karnataka’, ‘goa’, ‘telangana’, ‘gujarat’, and ‘chhattisgarh’, and is usually celebrated privately at home in states such as ‘tamil nadu’ + ‘andhra pradesh’)


(‘ganesh chaturthi’ is also ‘observed’ in ‘nepal’ and by the ‘hindu diaspora’ elsewhere such as in…)




*’trinidad’ + ‘tobago’*




*other parts of the ‘caribbean’*




‘south africa’

‘united states’

(in the spanish ‘canary islands’)


(at ‘public venues’, along with the reading of ‘texts’ and ‘group feasting’, ‘athletic’ and ‘martial arts’ competitions are also held)








👈👈👈☜*“HINDU HOLIDAZE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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