
“you won’t find no picture of me…”



(a yearbook (also known as an ‘annual’) is a type of a ‘book’ published annually to record, highlight, and commemorate the past year of a ‘school’)

(the term also refers to a book of statistics or facts published ‘annually’)

(many ‘high schools’, ‘colleges’, and ‘elementary’ / ‘middle’ schools publish yearbooks; however, many schools are dropping yearbooks or decreasing page counts given social media alternatives to a mass-produced physical photographically-oriented record)

(from ‘1995’ to ‘2013’, the number of U.S. college yearbooks dropped from roughly ‘2,400’ to ‘1,000’)

when it came time for senior yearbooks, i was the only person WITHOUT a baby picture in the back!  even the ree-rees had their pics posted.  and i was a damn cute baby!

these pictures were accompanied by well-wishes from family…wonder why i didn’t get a shoutout?

“ignored by all but my landlord…”

i’ve long since cut up and collaged all my middle school + high school yearbooks…only to have the parents subsequently rip down said collages…(at least i’ve got pictures+video)…

i don’t believe harvard prints yearbooks…




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