"caleb"*the male first name*



“caleb you dog!”


(‘caleb’ is a ‘hebrew masculine given name’)


(the hebrew spelling of the name ‘caleb’ – כלב – is identical with the spelling of the word “dog” – “kelev”)

(the composing of the ‘bible’ antedates by thousands of years the introduction of the ‘niqqud’ system of diacritical signs which modern hebrew uses to represent vowels)

(thus, it is difficult to ascertain how the name was originally pronounced)

(many name books and websites list the meaning of “caleb” as “dog”)

(it is noteworthy that many biblical characters bore animal names, including names which in the sensibilities of later times would be considered insulting, such as the woman prophet ‘hulda’ whose name means “weasel”)

(in some traditions, caleb’s being a “dog” symbolizes his devotion to ‘god’)

(an alternate ‘hebrew’ meaning offered for “caleb” is “faithful, devotion, whole hearted, bold, brave”)

(this, on the basis of its being actually a compound word, a phenomenon quite common in ‘ancient hebrew’)

(col (כל, Caf + Lamed) = “all” or “whole”; Lev (לב, Lamed + Bet) = “heart”)

tTherefore, ‘caleb’ (or ‘calev’ as pronounced in ‘hebrew’) would actually mean “whole-hearted”)

(this might be due to the biblical ‘caleb’, a companion of ‘moses’ and ‘joshua’, being noted for his astute powers of observation and fearlessness in the face of overwhelming odds)

(another plausible origin is a transposition of a name found in other ancient semitic languages such as ‘phoenician’ and ‘ugaritic’, meaning “servant of the lord”)

(the early medieval ‘king kaleb of axum’ was the most well-known monarch of this kingdom (in modern ‘ethiopia’ and ‘eritrea’))


(the name “caleb” was popular among the ‘english puritans’, and was introduced by them to ‘america’)


















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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