

greek —> Κίρκη / Kírkē

(pronounced [kírkɛ͜ɛ])


(minor goddess of ‘magic’)

(in ‘greek mythology’, circe is a goddess of ‘magic’ (or sometimes a ‘nymph’, ‘witch’, ‘enchantress’, or ‘sorceress’))

(by most accounts, ‘circe’ was the daughter of ‘helios’ (the ‘god’ of the ‘sun’), + ‘perse’ (an ‘oceanid’))

(her brothers were ‘aeetes’ (the keeper of the ‘golden fleece’), + ‘perses’)

(her sister was ‘pasiphaë’, the wife of ‘king minos’ + mother of the ‘minotaur’)

(other accounts make her the daughter of ‘hecate’, the goddess of ‘witchcraft’ herself)

(‘circe’ was renowned for her vast knowledge of ‘potions’ + ‘herbs’)

(through the use of ‘magical potions’ and a ‘wand’ or a ‘staff’, she transformed her ‘enemies’ (or those who offended her) into ‘animals’)

(some say she was exiled to the solitary island of ‘aeaea’ by her subjects and her father for ending the life of her husband, the prince of ‘colchis’)

(later traditions tell of her leaving or even destroying the island and moving to ‘italy’, where she was identified with ‘cape circeo’)






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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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