*composite particles*










(in ‘quantum physics’, a bound state describes a ‘system’ where a ‘particle’ is subject to a ‘potential’ such that the ‘particle’ has a tendency to remain ‘localized’ in 1 or more regions of ‘space’)


(the potential may be either an ‘external potential’…)

(…it may also be the result of the ‘presence’ of another ‘particle’)


(in ‘quantum mechanics’ (where the # of ‘particles’ is ‘conserved’), a ‘bound state’ is a ‘state’ in ‘hilbert space’ representing ‘2’ or more ‘particles’ whose ‘interaction energy’ is less than the ‘total energy’ of each separate ‘particle’, and therefore these ‘particles’ cannot be separated unless ‘energy’ is added from ‘outside’)

(the ‘energy spectrum’ of the set of ‘bound states’ is ‘discrete’, unlike the ‘continuous spectrum’ of ‘free particles’)

(actually, it is possible to have unstable “bound states”, which aren’t really ‘bound states’ in the ‘strict sense’, with a ‘net positive interaction energy’ (provided that there is an “energy barrier” that has to be ‘tunneled through’ in order to ‘decay’))

(this is true for some ”radioactive nuclei’ and for some ‘electret materials’ able to carry ‘electric charge’ for rather long periods)

(for a given ‘potential’, a ‘bound state’ is represented by a ‘stationary square-integrable wave-function’)

(the ‘energy’ of such a ‘wave-function’ is ‘negative’)

(in ‘relativistic quantum field theory’, a ‘stable bound state’ of ‘n’ particles with masses m1, … , mn shows up as a ‘pole’ in the ‘S-matrix’ with a ‘center’ of ‘mass energy’ which is less than m1 + … + mn.)

(an ‘unstable bound state’ (see ‘resonance’) shows up as a ‘pole’ with a complex ‘center’ of ‘mass energy’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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