-the ‘electron’-

Atomic-orbital-clouds spd m0.png
Hydrogen atomic orbitals at different energy levels.
The more opaque areas are where one is most likely to find an electron at any given time.


(collection of 6 atomic hydrogen-like single-electron orbitals showing 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p and 3d orbitals)

The angular momentum quantum number l is denoted in each column, using the usual spectroscopic letter code (“s” means l=0; “p”: l=1; “d”: l=2).

The main quantum number n (=1,2,3,…) is marked to the right of each row.

All orbitals are aligned along the z-axis and the magnetic quantum number m has been set to 0.

The images are 3D renderings of the spatial density distribution of |𝜓|² with the color depicting the phase of 𝜓.

The spatial distribution is smooth and vanishes for large radii.

The cloud is a more realistic representation of an orbital than the more common solid-body approximations.

“splitting adams”
“sticking it in”
“don’t it make you feel sick?”




[the electron is a ‘sub-atomic particle’ with a ‘negative elementary electric charge’]


*symbol* –>





(“electrons” orbit the ‘nucleus’)
(think “the planets”)
(according to ‘bohr model’)
(not according to ‘quantum mechanics’)
(such an ‘amateur assumption’)
(‘atoms’ are NOT ‘mini solar systems’)

(the anti-particle of the electron is called the positron; it is identical to the electron except that it carries electrical and other charges of the opposite sign)

(when an electron collides with a positron, both particles may be totally annihilated, producing gamma ray photons)

(‘electrons’ belong to the “1st generation” of the “lepton particle family”, and are generally thought to be ‘elementary particles’ because they have no known ‘components’ or ‘substructure’)

(the ‘electron’ has a ‘mass’ that is approximately “1 / 1836” that of the ‘proton’)

(‘quantum mechanical properties’ of the “electron” include an “intrinsic angular momentum” (aka ‘spin’) of a ‘half-integer value’ in units of ħ, which means that it is a “fermion”)

(being “fermions”, no 2 electrons can occupy the same ‘quantum state’, in accordance with the “pauli exclusion principle”)

(like all matter, “electrons” have properties of both “particles” + “waves”, and so can collide with other ‘particles’ and can be ‘diffracted’ like ‘light’)

(the wave properties of “electrons” are easier to observe with experiments than those of other particles like “neutrons” and “protons” because ‘electrons’ have a ‘lower mass’ and hence a higher “De Broglie wavelength” for ‘typical energies’)

(many ‘physical phenomena’ involve ‘electrons’ in an essential role, such as “electricity”, “magnetism”, and “thermal conductivity”)

(they also participate in “gravitational”, “electromagnetic”, and “weak interactions”)

(an “electron” generates an “electric field” surrounding it)

(an ‘electron’ moving relative to an observer generates a “magnetic field”)

(external “magnetic fields” deflect an “electron”)

(“electrons” ‘radiate’ or ‘absorb’ energy in the form of “photons” when ‘accelerated’)

(‘laboratory instruments’ are capable of ‘containing’ and ‘observing’ individual electrons as well as “electron plasma” using “electromagnetic fields”, whereas ‘dedicated telescopes’ can detect “electron plasma” in ‘outer space’)

(“electrons” have many applications, including



“cathode ray tubes”,

“electron microscopes”,

“radiation therapy”,


“gaseous ionization detectors”

“particle accelerators”


(interactions involving “electrons” and other ‘subatomic particles’ are of interest in fields such as “chemistry” and “nuclear physics”)

(the “coulomb force interaction” between positive “protons” inside ‘atomic nuclei’ and negative “electrons” composes “atoms”)

(“ionization” or “‘changes’ in the ‘proportions’ of ‘particles'” changes the ‘binding energy’ of the ‘system’)

(the ‘exchange’ or ‘sharing’ of the ‘electrons’ between 2 or more ‘atoms’ is the main cause of “chemical bonding”)

(british natural philosopher “richard laming” first hypothesized the concept of an “indivisible quantity of ‘electric charge'” to explain the ‘chemical properties’ of ‘atoms’ in ‘1838’)

(irish physicist “george johnstone stoney” named this charge ‘electron’ in ‘1891’, and “JJ thomson” and” his team of ‘british physicists’ identified it as a ‘particle’ in ‘1897’)

(‘electrons’ can also participate in ‘nuclear reactions’, such as ‘nucleosynthesis’ in ‘stars’, where they are known as ‘beta particles’)

(“electrons” can be created through “beta decay” of “radioactive isotopes” and in “high-energy collisions”, for instance when “cosmic rays” enter the ‘atmosphere’)

(the ‘antiparticle’ of the ‘electron’ is called the ‘positron’; it is identical to the ‘electron’ except that it carries ‘electrical’ and other ‘charges’ of the ‘opposite sign’)


(when an ‘electron’ collides with a ‘positron’, both particles may be totally ‘annihilated’, producing ‘gamma ray photons’)








👈👈👈☜*“THE LEPTON”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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