“eurasian economic union”

Eurasian Economic Union (orthographic projection) - Crimea disputed - no borders.svg




(as of ’25 FEBRUARY 2020′)












*the eurasian economic union (EAEU) is an ‘economic union’ of states located primarily in ‘northern eurasia’*


(a ‘treaty’ aiming for the establishment of the EAEU was signed on ’29 may 2014′ by the leaders of ‘belarus’, ‘kazakhstan’, and ‘russia’)

(‘came into force’ on ‘1 january 2015’)

(while i was ‘exiled’ (ala ‘ghetto napoleon’ / actually a ‘corsican italian’))

(treaties aiming for armenia’s and kyrgyzstan’s accession to the ‘eurasian economic union’ were signed on ‘9 october 2014′ and ’23 december 2014’, respectively)

(armenia’s ‘accession treaty’ ‘came into force’ on ‘2 january 2015’)

(kyrgyzstan’s ‘accession treatycame into effect on ‘6 august 2015’)

(it participated in the ‘EAEU’ from the day of its establishment as an ‘acceding state’)

(in ‘1994’, the ‘president of ‘kazakhstan’ (‘nursultan nazarbayev’) first suggested the idea of creating a “eurasian union” during a speech at ‘moscow state university’)

(“remember kids…despite what you may have heard, ‘kazakhstan’ is over 70% ‘muslim’…)

(…and you know what that means!)

(numerous treaties were subsequently signed to establish the ‘trading bloc’ gradually)

(many ‘politicians’, ‘philosophers’, and ‘political scientist’s have since called for further integration towards a ‘monetary’, ‘political’, ‘military’, and ‘cultural union’)

(however the ‘member-states’ decided to seek a ‘purely economic union;, having concerns about keeping their ‘independence’ and ‘sovereignty’ intact)

“are ‘sovereignty claims’ ever COMPLETELY ‘intact’?”

(the ‘eurasian economic union’ has an ‘integrated single market’ of ‘183 million people’ and a ‘gross domestic product’ of over ‘4 trillion US dollars’ (PPP))

(the ‘EAEU’ introduces the free movement of ‘goods’, ‘capital’, ‘services’, and ‘people’)

(provides for ‘common policies’ in ‘macroeconomic sphere’, ‘transport’, ‘industry’ and ‘agriculture”, ‘energy’, ”foreign trade’ and investment”, ‘customs’, ‘technical regulation’, ‘competition’, and ‘antitrust regulation’)

(provisions for a ‘single currency’ and ‘greater integration’ are envisioned in the future)

(the ‘union’ operates through ‘supranational’ and ‘intergovernmental’ institutions’)

(the ‘supreme eurasian economic council’ is the “‘supreme body” of the ‘union'”, consisting of the “heads’ of the ‘member states'”)

(the second level of ‘intergovernmental institutions’ is represented by the ‘eurasian intergovernmental council’ (consisting of the “‘prime ministers’ of ‘member states'”))

(the ‘day-to-day work’ of the EAEU is done through the ‘eurasian economic commission’ (the ‘executive body’), which is a ‘supranational body’ similar to ‘european commission'”)


(there is also a ‘judicial body’ – the “court of the EAEU”)






👈👈👈☜*“ASIA”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥