
-as of [21 SEPTEMBER 2024]


*2 TYPES* —>




-in ‘particle physics’, a fermion (a name coined by ‘paul dirac’ from the surname of ‘enrico fermi’) is any particle characterized by “fermi–dirac statistics”-


(these particles obey the “pauli exclusion principle”)

(“fermions” include all “quarks” and “leptons”, as well as any ‘composite particle’ made of an odd number of these, such as all ‘baryons’ and many ‘atoms’ and ‘nuclei’)

(“fermions” differ from “bosons”, which obey “bose–einstein statistics”)

(a “fermion” can be an ‘elementary particle’, such as the “electron”, or it can be a ‘composite particle’, such as the “proton”)

(according to the “spin-statistics theorem” in any ‘reasonable relativistic quantum field theory’, ‘particles’ with ‘integer spin’ are “bosons”, while ‘particles’ with ‘half-integer spin’ are “fermions”)

(besides this ‘spin’ characteristic, ‘fermions’ have another specific property: they possess conserved “baryon” or “lepton” quantum numbers)

(therefore, what is usually referred to as the “spin statistics relation” is in fact a “spin statistics-quantum number relation”)

(as a consequence of the “pauli exclusion principle”, only 1 ‘fermion’ can occupy a particular ‘quantum state’ at any given time)

(if multiple ‘fermions’ have the same ‘spatial probability distribution’, then at least 1 property of each ‘fermion’, such as its ‘spin’, must be different)

(“fermions” are usually associated with ‘matter’, whereas ‘bosons’ are generally ‘force carrier particles’, although in the current state of ‘particle physics’ the distinction between the 2 concepts is ‘unclear’)

(‘weakly interacting fermions’ can also display “bosonic” behavior under ‘extreme conditions’)

(at low temperature ‘fermions’ show “superfluidity” for ‘uncharged particles’ and “superconductivity” for ‘charged particles’)


(composite “fermions” (such as ‘protons’ + ‘neutrons’) are the ‘key building blocks’ of ‘everyday matter’)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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