*the ‘hadron’*


(3 quarks)


(1 ‘quark’ / 1 ‘anti-quark’)





*greek* —> ἁδρός / hadrós


“stout / thick”


-in ‘particle physics’, a ‘hadron’ is a ‘composite particle’ made of ‘quarks’ held together by the ‘strong force’ (in a similar way as ‘molecules’ are held together by the ‘electro-magnetic force’)-


(‘hadrons’ are categorized into 2 families…)

(made of ‘3 quarks’)

(made of ‘1 quark’ and ‘1 ‘anti-quark'”)


(‘protons’ and ‘neutrons’ are examples of ‘baryons’)

(‘pions’ are examples of a ”meson’)

(‘hadrons’ containing more than 3 ‘valence quarks’ (aka ‘exotic hadrons’) have been discovered in recent years)

(a ‘tetraquark state’ (for ‘exotic meson’) named the Z(4430), was discovered in ‘2007’ by the ‘belle collaboration’ and confirmed as a ‘resonance’ in ‘2014’ by the ‘LHCb collaboration’)

(2 ‘pentaquark states’ (for ‘exotic baryons’), named P+c(4380) and P+c(4450), were discovered in ‘2015’ by the ‘LHCb collaboration’)

(there are several more ‘exotic hadron candidates’, and other ‘color-singlet quark’ combinations may also exist)

(of the ‘hadrons’, ‘protons’ are ‘stable’, and ‘neutrons’ bound within ‘atomic nuclei’ are ‘stable’)

(other ‘hadrons’ are ‘unstable’ under ‘ordinary conditions’)

(‘free neutrons’ decay with a ‘half-life’ of about ‘611 seconds’)

(experimentally, ‘hadron physics’ is studied by colliding ‘protons’ or ‘nuclei’ of heavy elements (such as ‘lead’)…

…then detecting the ‘debris’ in the produced ‘particle showers’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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