(original name for the ‘indus river’ in modern-day ‘pakistan’)
(“hinduism” is a ‘religion’ (or a ‘way of life’) found most notably in ‘india’ and ‘nepal’)
(‘hinduism’ has been called the oldest religion in the world, and some practitioners and scholars refer to it as sanātana dharma, “the eternal law” or the “eternal way” beyond human origins)
(scholars regard ‘hinduism’ as a ‘fusion’ or ‘synthesis’ of various indian ‘cultures’ and ‘traditions’, with ‘diverse roots’ and no ‘founder’)
(this “hindu synthesis” started to develop between ‘500 BCE’ + ‘300 CE’, following the ‘vedic period’ (‘1500 BCE’ to ‘500 BCE’))
(although ‘hinduism’ contains a broad range of ‘philosophies’, it is linked by…)
‘shared concepts’
‘recognizable rituals’
‘shared textual resources’
“‘pilgrimage’ to ‘sacred sites’”
(‘hindu texts’ are classified into…)
‘shruti’ ‘
(these texts discuss ‘theology’, ‘philosophy’, ‘mythology’, ‘vedic yajna’, ‘yoga’, ‘agamic rituals’, and ‘temple building’ (among other ‘topics’))
(major scriptures include the “‘vedas’ + ‘upanishads, the ‘bhagavad gita’, and the ‘agamas’)
(sources of ‘authority’ and ‘eternal truths’ in its ‘texts’ play an important role, but there is also a ‘strong hindu tradition’ of the questioning of this ‘authority’, to deepen the understanding of these ‘truths’ and to further develop the ‘tradition’)
(prominent themes in ‘hindu beliefs’ include the 4 ‘puruṣārthas’ –>
(aka “the proper goals or aims of human life”)
#1 –> “dharma”
(‘ethics’ + ‘duties’)
#2 –> ‘artha’
(‘prosperity’ + ‘work’))
#3 –> ‘kama’
(‘desires’ + ‘passions’)
#4 –> “moksha”
(‘liberation’ + ‘freedom’)
(but there’s more?)
(then why say ‘4’ in the first place)
(different ‘hindu denominations’ claim ‘extra’ ‘puruṣārthas’ –>)
(‘action” / “intent” / “consequences’)
(‘cycle of rebirth’)
(‘paths’ or ‘practices’ to attain ‘moksha’)
(‘hindu practices include ‘rituals’ such as ‘puja’ (aka ‘worship’) and ‘recitations’, ‘meditation’, ‘family-oriented rites of passage’, ‘annual festivals’, and ‘occasional pilgrimages’)
(some ‘hindus’ leave their ‘social world’ and ‘material possessions’, then engage in lifelong ‘sannyasa’ (monastic practices) to achieve ‘moksha’)
(‘hinduism’ prescribes the ‘eternal duties’, such as ‘honesty’, ‘refraining from injuring living beings’ (aka ‘ahimsa’), ‘patience’, ‘forbearance’, ‘self-restraint’, and ‘compassion’, among others)
(‘hinduism’ is the world’s 3rd largest religion, with over 1 billion followers or 15% of the global population, known as ‘hindus’)
(the majority of ‘hindus’ reside in…)
(aka ‘indonesia’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥