(roman sculpture)
(created in ‘the 100s ACE)
(based on a greek sculpture from the ‘hellenistic period’)
‘greek writer’
(‘700s BCE’)
“epic poet”
(traditionally said to be the ‘author’ of the ‘epic poems’ the iliad and the odyssey)
(the ‘ancient greeks’ generally believed that ‘homer’ was an ‘historical individual’, but most ‘scholars’ are ‘skeptical’)
(no ‘reliable biographical information’ has been handed down from ‘classical antiquity’ and the ‘poems’ themselves seem to most to represent the ‘culmination’ of many centuries of ‘oral story-telling’ and a ‘well-developed formulaic system’ of ‘poetic composition’)
(according to ‘martin west’, “homer” is “not the name of a historical poet, but a ‘fictitious/constructed’ name)